Tuesday, January 30, 2018

A Must-Read


News flash:

I’m a massive fan of reading. 

Shocker, I know.

Have I failed to ever mention that on this here blog???


I mean, I adore books so much, I cannot imagine a day of my life that doesn’t include some form of reading. It’s my tether to my sanity and creativity and happy, happy, joy, joy at the end of every day.

And I just devoured (in 2.5 days) the most wonderful gem of a book that ripped out my guts and rearranged them, whilst simultaneously making me smile like a fangirl fool, and cry and get angry and make my heart hurt and then burst (with still a bit of tender pain).

I wish I could force everyone I know to read this book.

It was beautifully and empathetically written by one of my very-favorite-of-all-time authors (and that’s saying a lot) who are actually two women who co-write together, which I think is so badass.

Read it.


Over and out.

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