Thursday, January 11, 2018

Action Painting!

So...we’ve been doing a handful of projects around this here casa, but things have been so nutty with the re-entry into the school routine that I haven’t been able to post them.

But I’ll try to get through a couple of them in the next few days—starting with...action painting!

I’d seen this kit at Tar-jay awhile back, and knew the kiddos would love it, so I put it on their Christmas list:

But, also knew Little Man would be impossible to wrangle with it. So I actually took the opportunity last week during his nap time to have a little special time with the girlies and let them go nuts.

Not much explanation is needed for this one. As you’ll see, it’s a Pollock-inspired kit that involves pretty much doing anything your little heart desires.

Though I luuuurved having the kit so I didn’t have to scrounge around for all the individual supplies, this is something that could easily be replicated with items you could find around the house.

And I actually swapped out the paint in the kit for some of our own that I knew was washable, and boy am I glad that I did, ha.

Action painting is, well, expressive. :)

But could they be any cuter???

If I were a rockstar Mom, I would have ironed the canvas before they began. But the iron and I are not friends. So we just went with it, ha.

It was really funny to see how hesitant they actually were to make a mess. Shocker, right?

And it actually launched a much larger conversation with a Chica, who said this was just going to be “scribble scrabble” if we didn’t make shapes and pictures. That’s a phrase her preschool teacher used to use in a derogatory way when kiddos weren’t trying to color with any discipline, ha. And it’s stuck with my eldest. 

So it was actually wonderful to have a conversation about art in all its many forms, and eventually, she got on board and had a blast. :)

On a related note, Chica’s report card came home yesterday, and I was so proud of her for meeting grade-level expectations in all areas (that’s how they grade in our district; not with the tradition letters) and receiving some wonderful written feedback about what a joy she is in class and how attentive and enthusiastic and respectful she is. I mean, that’s like a parent’s greatest pick-me-up ever

That said, there was one class that she received an exceptional report of “exceeding grade level expectations,” and I was tickled pink to see that it was in...Art.

I’m not gonna lie—a small part of me patted our family collectively on the back and said all these projects have built toward a greater good.

But really, I only ever care about the kiddos’ enthusiasm for these crafty diversions. And as long as they’re still into them, we’ll keep doing them!

Another fun expression with paint.

And a nice for Little Man to sit out, ha.

Though I’ll post tomorrow about his very own painting kit. :)

Happy Almost Friday, peeps!

P.S. Thanks, Dada, for gifting the kit. :)

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