Thursday, January 18, 2018

Our Over It Week

Oye, oye, oye, oye, oye.

If last week was our post-holiday catch-up week while we finally got in a groove, this week week has been the backlash week of getting back into a groove.

The children, they are crazy.

The parents (that would be us) are wiped.

The week (even though Monday was a holiday) has been long.

I mean, I usually at least try to have an abundance of patience. But I feel like my well ran dry around Monday at 10 a.m., ha.

But instead of giving you a laundry list of the things I’m over (kiddos fighting, refereeing the fighting, laundry, emotionally unstable toddlers, self-inflicted, accidental injuries at Target that cause insanely loud, public scenes...okay, I’ll stop), I’ll just give you a few highs and lows of the week.

A High: Stinking Adorable Glasses

We needed to use up the last bit of our Flex spending so it didn’t go to waste. And while I picked out my pair of eyewear, Chicklet picked out hers. If only she actually needed them at this point, she’d totally rock them.

Low: Dance Class Boycott

On the flip-side of that adorable eyeglass-wearing cutie-pie’s attitude...we had a frustrating Wednesday morning dance class.

Prior to leaving the house, Chicklet wanted to get out two giant storage containers of toys we rotate every quarter or so. And because we didn’t have time, I said no.

And she didn’t take it well.

So not-well, in fact, that she decided to boycott going into her dance class.

Only problem: she really wanted to go into her dance class. And watched, longingly, whilst following along from the other side of the glass.

So it wasn’t long before she caved, thank heavens. But it was a painful process.

And speaking of another dance-class low...we’re still struggling to find the right class (length, age group and day of the week) for Chica to be as enthusiastic about it this year as she has been for the previous two years.

I’ll share more next week when we know if our last effort will help or hurt, but let’s just say that kindergarten has caused a shake-up of any extra-curriculars we might enjoy. But we’re determined to navigate our way through them.

High: Public Workers Day

One fun thing about the past couple weeks at Chica’s school: they’ve been learning about many jobs that serve the public, such as firemen, policemen, doctors, nurses, etcetera.

And, they get to dress up in the outfit of their choosing tomorrow.

I gave Chica four options and this is the awesomesauce she went with:

I mean...I die.

And, I’m not gonna lie—I also sort of get stripper vibes if this same outfit were worn by an adult, ha.

But, darn it if it isn’t so dang cute that it incited a household rioting and jealously, and ended up put away for the day.

But Chica has learned a lot about the valuable work of so many dedicated men and women, so we’ll get over our resulting costume riot.

I’ve got so many other highs and lows, but honestly, I’m wiped. And really just wanna sit on the couch and watch TV with the hubby for the first night this week.

So here are a few other bonus pics, and I promise to share more tomorrow regarding some of the fun painting we’ve been doing this week (in between meltdowns and tantrums).

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