Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Feelin’ The LOVErly Sick Day

Well, peeps.

I’m not gonna lie.

Chica’s random case of strep throat kinda rocked—because it gave us a super awesome togetherness day of Valentine painting, Valentine cookie baking, bike riding, Valentine cookie decorating, and just lots o’ sibling love.

(And I mean lots o’ love; check out the movie-worthy kiss Chicklet gave her sissy, who she just adores...germs be damned. And for anybody who wants to negatively comment on lip-kissing amongst siblings and/or parents, I just preemptively stopped listening ;)

Enjoy these pics have as much as I enjoyed living them and taking them and it will be a good day for you. 

I love that Chicklet wanted all the cookies to have eyes, tehe. Hence the finger pokes. ;)

Seriously unexpectedly lovely day.

But a lot o’ work and cleaning up!

So excuse me while I go pass out for the night.

Over and out.

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