Sunday, February 11, 2018

Some Weekend Blurbs

So...some short snippets about our last few days before I collapse for the night.

First: this crazy boy had a major ‘tude on Friday.

Which had me worried that he’d come down with the strep throat ick that Chica contracted a few days ago.

So just what you want is a very-end-of-day appointment at the pediatrician’s office that’s packed with people and germs, germs, germs.

But, thankfully, he tested negative for strep. But I thankfully...positive for a yucky ear infection that took FIVE ROUNDS of horrific wax removal to be able to spot accurately.

No bueno.

But. Despite another kiddo sick and cranky and on antibiotics, we had some lovely Friday bits, too. Including the arrival of Nanna!

And a surprise lunch visit at Chica’s school. :)

It’s a super-new development, but one with lovely promise, that the two younger kiddos are tame enough now to make it through a kindergarten cafeteria lunch. Which means we might get to make a lunch time visit a regular thing, which would be totally coolio. for sick, but yeah for Nanna visit—and the fortunate timing of it happening at a time when poor Daddy had to work all weekend long. :(

It was not ideal. But what can you do but enjoy what you can. Like this stinking adorable sibling snuggling:

I mean...I die.

So...not exactly the weekend you really hope for, but I’m counting the teensy positives and hoping for a week that feels a bit lighter.

More mañana.


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