Sunday, March 18, 2018

St. Patrick’s Day 2018

Helloooooo, from the flip side of Spring Breakvacay!

I have oodles and gobs of tiny bits to share about the past few to-do list days, but I’m exhaaaaaausted. And tomorrow we return to the early school day alarm.

So for now, I’ll just share some picks of my “spirited” little leprechauns yesterday, and I promise to share more mañana!

They were the definition of a hot mess, but I managed to get them in the vicinity of the chair for a few pics, hehe.

Chicklet had a meltdown and refused to wear her green shirt, ha. Instead, she would only approve her super-soft, black, velvet dress, which is pretty much her default when she’s fighting all clothing choices Mama provides.

It hurts my heart to see how much these dang hooligans have grown.

I mean, this was 2016:

And 2017:

Can they puh-lease stop growing for the love of all that is holy!

Any and all growth-deterring techniques can be sent my way.

That is all. 

Over and out.

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