Monday, April 23, 2018

It’s All Downhill From Monday



Some truth bombs here.

Lately (like perhaps the past three weeks), I am dragging my heiny toward the gosh dang finish line that is Friday evening.

I mean, it’s been the thoughest thing to try to rally the energy to make it to the time the hubby gets home on Friday night and still have any enthusiasm and smiles left.

It’s like my body is just booting down into power saving I-have-my-partner-in-crime-home mode so I can back-seat parent for a few hours to avoid collapse.

It’s insane in the membrane.

And also the worst to feel like the un-fun (yup, it’s a word) parent come Friyay night because the hubby barrels in all giggles and goofballs from work, ready for some play time with the kiddos, and I’m right there, but exhausted from the child-rearing week, and practically in a zombie state.

I mean, did I mention it’s the worst?


I think the problem is two (or may a few) fold:

1. The hubby has been working a lot. So my solo parenting shifts are longer into the evenings (he routinely can’t make it home a couple nights a week before the nuggets are in bed) and there have been working weekends, too, so less time for both of us to recharge a bit.

2. My kiddos are full of, ahem, some potty and vinegar these days. (Case in point: I was referee to the first knock down drag out fight—over a tiny toy leopard—at 7:38 a.m. this fine morning, and the first official Time Out of the day was at 8:29 a.m.)

3. My iron count is a wee bit low, which always make me drag a bit, so I gotta start popping those supplements again.


Moral(s) of the story:

I’m tired.

My kiddos are crazy.

And I limp across the Friday finish line like I’m in the desert catching a glimpse of a mirage waaaaaay way in the distance.

But. At least I start the weeks off right, with more energy and gusto and determination to force fun and activity and learning and projects...and it’s all downhill from there, ha.

So today was Monday and we crammed not one, not two, but three projects into our afternoon, and the kiddos were pumped.

Of course, it’s important to note that we tackled the projects because the kiddos—led by Little Man—were banned form the playground after school due to poor behavior. Oye.

But still.

Projects, we lurv you.

Because they focus the negative mojo.

We generally make it through Wednesday being pretty gung-ho on the activity and motivation front. And then Thursday starts winding us down into lower key mode.

So thank goodness Chica is off school his Friday so that maybe we can break the exhaustion cycle we’ve been on and end on a more positive note.

Heeeere’s hoping!

Over and out.

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