Sunday, April 29, 2018

Some Spring Zoo Time!


Sorry it’s been a little quiet on the posting front.

Lemme catch you up on the past few days in five seconds or less:

We had some birthday (the hubby).

We had some grandparents and aunts.

We had some Mama and Daddy golf and movie time.


We had some animals.

‘Cause we had some zoo time.

Would love to type more but my eyelids are droopy and my book is still calling to me (those things might not go hand in hand),!

Hello, sssssssnake.

Hello, crocodiles.

Chica describing what the hands on Daddy’s watch will look like when it’s officially time to see the cheetah (the main attraction they were crazy excited to see).

The cans of water the kiddos were obsessed with all afternoon—because, apparently, the zoo has done away with bottled water!

The smile when it’s almost cheetah time!

Have I mentioned the kiddos—Chica especially—are obsessed with cheetahs, and have been forevah?

I mean, I love.

And speaking of love...elephants!

And a lion who scared me to m’bones with his awesome, terrifying eyes when we arrived right at feeding time and he made his appearance, pausing first to perch on the rock and survey us humans (I did not get a picture of that bit, because I was entranced, ha). They are truly awesome beasts, and we hadn’t ever seen one this close on a zoo visit.

There were more cheetahs sprawled back there, and Chica was pumped, ha.

The new hippo exhibit, but the guests of honor were lounging underwater. ;)

And the second-coolest thing (besides the cheetah, naturally)—we got to feed a giraffe!

All three kiddos got to feed the tall guys some leafy greens, and they were thrilled.

My, what sharp teeth you have...

Cotton candy tongues...

And some bonus pics of my beautiful babies at breakfast, before the zoo...

So grateful we got a chance to visit all the fun animals before the heat ramps up. It’s always a good time.


More mañana.

Over and out.

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