Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother’s Day 2018

Okay, so Mother’s Day has fast become one of my favorite days of the year—even surpassing birthdays (and anyone who knows me knows how much I lurv birthdays).

Because I didn’t do anything to deserve my birthday, I just happened to be born. But on Mother’s Day, I get to celebrate the thing that had brought me more joy than anything I have ever done or ever will do in my entire life.


I mean, these yahoos make my life so completely full of everything—happiness, craziness, joyfulness, frustrating-ness (yup, I’m makin’ it a word) day in and day out. And I strive every hour of every day to just be in it, through thick and thin.

And I couldn’t do any of it without the mother who raised me, the mothers I’ve been blessed with along the way, and my way-better half—who keep me sane enough to be the mother that I try to be, and who spoils me beyond what I deserve on this very special day.

I hope everyone who is a mother, who has a mother, who knows a mother, or who mothers in any way to any person or thing, felt or gave some special love today.

Just like I did.


P.S. I’m also so blessed that Chica totally guessed my weight correctly on this card she made at school! ;)

P.P.S. My greatest wish for every Mother’s Day is just to get one pic with all my babies where nobody looks like they are in terminal pain (moderate pain is okay). And I got not one, but two today! 

I mean...truly blessed. 

Over and out.

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