Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Hack

Okay, peeps. I’m gonna be real.

This Memorial Day Weekend might go down as my least favorite ever.


Last week, some allergy-type symptoms quickly morphed into full-blown upper-respiratory funk, with a side dish of the most incessant cough known to man.

I powered through for awhile, until I started coughing up blood—yes, blood—yesterday morning and decided it was time for the doctor.

Acute bronchitis and an upper respiratory infection later, and I’ve continued with the hacking-up-a-lung misery, despite two prescription cough medicines and some antibiotics. 

I mean, this suuuuuuuuuucks. (And I really try not to use that word, ‘cause I don’t like it, but it does.)

So much for any fun holiday weekend plans. And so much for the household to-do list we were going to try to tackle since we didn’t have any out-of-town plans.

Now for the record, Chica still has two weeks of school left, so I REFUSE to let this yuck be our official start of Summer!

So...onward and upward with the hacking and eventually, hopefully, for-the-love please some recovery. 

Oh, and enjoy these pics of the final activity I managed on Friday morning before I finally threw in the towel. 

It was a lovey (if hot!) morning walk—complete with crane sightings, duck chasing, and a baby turtle rescue mission! A kind gentleman that was mowing the neighborhood grounds discovered a tiny, wayward turtle headed far away from any water. He gave the little guy to us to release back into the stream, and it was the cutest adventure ever. :)

We’re going to power through with doing something—anything—as a family tomorrow.

But please please send out soothing, heathy vibes. So far, only Little Man has a minor cough but we desperately want to prevent it from becoming major. Poor Daddy isn’t feeling great, but checked out moderately okay at his own doctor’s appointment today. Boooo. 

Over and out.

P.S. Whaddya do when you’re stuck at home ‘cause the parents have no energy??? Family movie time. Our kiddos are always begging to stay in their pajamas and lounge and be lazy, and today, they totally got their wish, ha.

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