Saturday, June 2, 2018

Dandelion Fingerprint Art

A second catch-up post!

(Note: the first catch-up post [about our Leaf Trinket Dishes] published on the blog a few posts back, probably because that’s the day I started the draft. So you’ll have to go back a few days to see it.)

Okie dokie.

So this one is another project inspired by the handy-dandy idea cards we found a couple weeks ago at Target.

We tackled this one last Sunday, when I was pretty much feeling like death warmed over and trying really hard to come up with a minor form of entertainment for the kiddos that didn’t require much parental energy, ha.

I scrounged up just enough muster to paint the dandelion base for each nugget. The girlies probably could have done this themselves, but I saved time and arguing by just doing it on my own, ha.

Look—a rare Mama project appearance, ha. Because Daddy was there to take the pic. ;)

It worked really well and the mess was quite contained. The kiddos just had ants in their pants trying to wait their turn.

See how we lost Daddy to the golf watching, ha. He’d been doing some heavy parenting lifting that morning so I was trying to give him a few minutes of peace.

I love Little Man’s I’m-trying-hard-to-be-patient-but-I’m-failing face in this next pic, hehe...

It was a cute and simple project diversion for that Sick Mama Morning. And I love how each one contained a bit of individuality. :)

Okay, hopefully a couple more catch-up posts later!

Over and out.

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