Thursday, July 19, 2018

Chicklet’s Cast Update

Double-post alert!

(I’m trying to catch up on random happenings before our little vacation hits and everything falls by the wayside).

So here’s a little Chicklet cast update:

We had an appointment with our orthopedist this week a new cast! Purple this time, instead of (Catboy) blue!

Certainly had not been planning on the whole taking off a cast and putting on a new cast process (a cast saw around a four-year-old is just nooooo bueno) when I went to the appointment with all three nuggets in tow, ha. (Ah, the “joys.”)

But long term, it’s hopefully a good thing because it was to bettter position her foot and knee so that she can put some weight on the leg...should she so desire.

Now, as exciting as this sounds (she could hobble walk, maybe, kinda, a little, with assistance!), it hasn’t been, because Chicklet is not interested in putting that kind of weight on it. And I sorta don’t blame her.

But she’s a total champ at scooting around on her heiny or dragging her leg behind her and sort of crawling, so I gotta give her props for ingenuity.

The doc says four weeks total (so another three to go), and then perhaps another smaller cast for a week or two after that, if needed.

So...we’re just gonna keep on keepin’ on.

But I adore my girl for her go-with-the-flow attitude thus far. She’s ready been rolling (crawling?) with it.

Over and out.

Sleep (I hope) is a-calling.

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