Saturday, July 7, 2018

Crab Apples and Comic Book Art!

So...what do crab apples (actually horse apples, but we call ‘em what we want!) and comic books have in common???

Absolutely nothin’.


Nuttin’ at all.

Except for the fact that they were both involved in Summer Art Challenges we completed this past week.

#3 on Chica’s school art challenge list was to find a comic book of any kind and draw a summary or create a bookmark.

So we kindly tapped into Daddy’s old hoard and found what we needed!

Now, I should note three things:

1. Comic books are kind of strange. Have you ever actually tried to read one?? The dialogue is kind of hilarious and there is a lot to sift through.

2. I don’t have a lot of pics because Chica had a hilarious and massive cry-fest over not knowing how to draw Spider-Man. And despite helping her, and suggesting she draw, say, a spider instead, it was a very emotional challenge, ha. Who woulda thunk??

3. And lastly, pantalones were not required for said task (see: Little Man).

But I have to say...even when tasks are hard and the project might not seem to be worth the angst, something gets through to my tiny tots’ brains. Because on Sunday in church, Chicklet turned her coloring page cows into Spider-Man cows. ;)

Love it.

Then a few (more emotionally stable) days later, we decided to try for another challenge on the list.

#7 was an environmental art challenge. Use something from outside in nature to create anything you can imagine.

And I’ve always imagined painting with crab apples.

 Not on crab apples. But with crab apples.

Because they have such a cool pattern and we love ‘em. We adore collecting them as they fall near our driveway during the summer months and just happened to have a few on hand. :)

So I busted out some corn-on-the-cob holders, set up some plates of paint, and let my babes go nuts with their art canvases.

Don’t they look like trouble just waiting to happen?? Hehe.

I actually think they turned out pretty dang cool, so yay for crab apple art!

(And now the kiddos want to actually paint some crab apples and draw faces on them, ha. Some more fun to come.)

We’re gonna have to pick up the Summer Art Challenge pace in July to get through more! This crazy summer isn’t slowing down anytime soon!

Happy Weekend, peeps!

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