Thursday, August 9, 2018

Back On Two Feet! (Sort Of)

Oh my goodness, I can’t believe how dang fast these past weeks gave gone to be at the point of Chicklet’s cast removal!

It happened, peeps.

This morning.

We went for her othopedic appointment, survived another round of terrifying cast removal, then x-rays and the all clear from the doctor that she’s healed well and can resume life sans cast.


I honestly cannot believe with all the weight she’s put on it and crazy activity she’s barreled through that her poor leg has actually healed, but I’ll trust the doc!

Only problem..t poor girl us do wary, she didn’t move her leg at all for the entire day.

The doc also says this is pretty normal, and I can totally understand my Chicklet’s hesitation with no leg support on a weakened leg.

So...we’re back to carrying her everywhere until she gets the proper motivation to get back in the saddle. ;)

Love my girl like CRAZY and cannot day enough positive things about how she handled this whole ordeal.

There were even a couple minor blisters-in-healing beneath the cast when it was removed (likely from all her movement!) and she never even said a single world.

She’s a champ, and I love her so, and can’t wait until she’s back 100%.

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