Saturday, August 4, 2018

Back-To-School Nesting

Okay, peeps.

Let’s talk about two things tonight, m’kay?


First: our family is kinda crummy health-wise this week, with a minor tummy bug that’s manifested in various ways and just left our general gang feeling slightly meh (technical term).

Second: I am full-on, hard-core in a strange back-to-school nesting phase that actually works pretty dang well with this meh we’ve got goin’ on.

Okay, so let’s tackle the first line item. The crummy and meh health that has us rocking a slight homebody vibe of late.

We have been so chill and so intent on soaking up the last of the unscheduled summer days, that our week kinda sort consisted of things like this:

Playroom picnics (with pants optional, of course):

Lots o’ board or young kiddo games (like this one, where you get the doggy to go poo, h):

Lots o’ TV (yup, I ain’t scared to admit it);

Did I mentioned the lots o’ TV?? (But, seriously, how cute are my ducks in a row?):

And some imaginative play thrown in—like when the girlies decided to make an “ocean” in the playroom, that consisted of gathering anything and everything blue they could find. So, dang cute:

Of course, there were a few minor projects thrown in, and a lunch with Daddy, but on the whole, we were pretty low-key (hence, the lack of posts)—until yesterday afternoon, when we had a slew of errands and then company over in the evening. Which was lovely (the company, not the errands, ha). But it left us totally spent.

Here are the kiddos running on steam when we had to take my car in for some scheduled maintenance. They look like triple trouble, yes? ;)

So...long and short—our tank o’ energy is pretty depleted. So we spent the entire day (well, up until about 4 p.m.) in our pajamas doing random things around the house, and it was glorious.

The kiddos played a bunch—some with us, some nicely on their own—they watched more TV (again, no shame today), and were happy as clams. And left Mama and Daddy free to start work on a few home projects that weren’t major, but certainly easier with a chill day to conquer them.

Which brings me to the second topic of m’update:

The nesting. Ooooooh, the nesting.


You might recall that last year, when Chica started kindergarten, I went through a major 7-10 days of frantic, tactical work around the house. Like, project after project after project.

I almost forgot it happened (or perhaps blocked it out, ha), until I consulted my archives...

So apparently, that wasn’t a one-time, my-eldest-is-starting-kindergarten thing, but rather, an episode of insanity I can now look forward to annually. Oye.

Of course, I am self-aware enough to absolutely recognize that this is a way for me to control something in the face of other schedules and life/school milestones I cannot control.

But, still.

Recognizing it and working through it are two different things, ha.

Luckily, fate (or rather, the slight hoarding tendencies of my eldest) provided me with an excellent place to start, when one of her mounted wall shelves started capsizing because it was full of too much dang stuff.

So we’re in the midst of some bedroom clean-outs and refreshers.

Because this look on Chica’s dresser is sooooooo not cool with me:

Clutter is my enemy.

So...stay tuned for the regaling tales of our back-to-school projects as things trek along and we see some progress.

And pray for our sanity as we get to feeling a bit better—mentally and emotionally, ha.

Over and out.

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