Monday, August 20, 2018

Chica’s First Day of School—2018!

Oh my freaking goodness—it happened.

The summer came.

The summer went.

And school began!


And I now have a legitimate FIRST GRADER.

She went to bed happy and excited and woke the same way (hallelujah!).

And I suppose it’s a no-brainer that we collectively felt a bit more calm and prepared for this first day of school versus last year, but it’s still worth pointing out.

I timed the wake-ups pretty well.

I managed the pictures without pain (before the other two were up).

Chica ate and all three hooligans made it into the car without excessive rushing.

I mean, it was just as it should be.

And then I managed to sweat to death on the special first-day-of-school-only walk in, because I had my hands full of summer art challenges, Chicklet on my back, and Beckett pulling me in a million different directions.

Again—just as it should be.

How amazing it will be when my complete trio is in elementary school together (for two whole years!), and how traumatic for this Mama. ;)

For now, I’ll just work on reacclimating to my Chica being away during the day.

And prep myself for Chicklet’s inaugural Pre-K day in two weeks. (I. Can’t. Even.)

Yay, for happy school vibes and smiles!

I adore that trio shot. :)

And, look! Chica was still smiling after school:

I was able to chat briefly with her teacher at pick-up and I got a lovely report—plus, Chica was chosen as line-leader for the whole week (a big deal, apparently, and a happy one, ha).

One day down.

First grade—we’ve got this!


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