Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Chicklet’s Return To Ballet!

Oh my goodness, every dang day keeps bringing a slew of firsts and changes and schedules and new beginnings of old favorites this week!

I mean, I know that’s what the start of a new school year is all about, but it’s a lot to absorb—and I’m just the Mama (or maybe that’s why it’s a lot to absorb—because I am the Mama, ha).

Of course, it doesn’t help that my kiddos are all three at what I hope (hope hope) is the tail end of some major growth spurts, too. Talk about an everything-keeps-changing vibe.

I mean, I feel like every day I look at them and they’ve morphed into a different version of their beautiful selves—and the hubby has noticed, too.

Proof positive: I had to make a new-size-of-underwear run yesterday for one kiddo, another has legs that have drastically changed shape in a matter of months, and if I get one more kiddo a haircut and watch them age by two years right before my eyes, I’m gonna go nuts!

Stop with the changes!!!


Well...that ain’t happening anytime soon. But. Changes are often wonderful once things settle in, and I know most of these will be, too (and I know the growth spurts happen in waves, so that will calm down, as well).

One thing that hasn’t changed, and still remains just a lovely outlet for us is...our happy dance studio. So I was thrilled to bring Chicklet today for a triumphant return post-cast, and see how dang happy she was to see her little friend that she loves.

I mean, could they be any cuter in their purple preciousness???

Chicklet was hilariously a bit resistant to get dressed and go to class (because she wanted to keep playing Paw Patrol with me), so when we pulled into the studio parking lot and she saw her friend, I died laughing when she quickly amended, “just kidding, I want to go to dance class.” Bahaha. It was like she was worried I would renig and take her back home, hehe.

These are the moments when I’m glad I (occasionally) know best and help to steer them towards things I know they’ll enjoy. :)

And talk about being good for her leg! She’s still tentative and a bit hobbly, so this is a lovely activity to help her movement progress, and her dance teacher is so attentive and familiar with the situation. So, yay.

And Little Man (who looks about 35-years-old in this pic) is a pro at mischief-making to pass the time now. ;)

This group of girlies and Mamas is a blend of old and new faces and has a wonderful, friendly vibe—so here’s hoping for another great year of low-key dance.

Oh—and one last thing. I finally picked up Chicklet’s recital pics from May, and I almost died when I saw her in the group shot. I mean...perfection! 

So perfect, in fact, that I was like, who is this contentedly smiling child? because my Chicklet never poses for pics without putting up a fight or some awkwardness, ha.

And then, I checked out her solo shot and said, yep, there’s my girl who I love to bits and pieces and bits.

(Remember those legs that I mentioned have drastically changed??? See above. Those are no more Chicklet’s legs today than anything! She’s stretching like a rubber band!)

Love love love my growing girl (who, ironically, has just started to acquiesce to a little bit of posed smiling. Baby steps, m’peeps. Baby steps!).

More mañana!

Over and out.

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