Monday, August 27, 2018

Smiles For Miles is my personal belief that Tuesdays are usually harder than Mondays.

Because on a Monday, you’re just rolling with the shock of a new week, but by Tuesday, the shock wears off and the pain sets in.

And keeping with that same’s my personal belief that the second week of school (or summer break, for that matter) is usually harder than the first. Because, again, the shock has worn off, and the reality (and exhaustion from the new routine) has set in.

So...we’re going to preemptively do our best to stay happy and positive this week as we continue to settle in—and I’ve got loads o’ smiles I’ve been saving from Chicklet and Little Man time with me last week to help keep us happy, happy, joy, joy.

 to grow on. :)

Now if those don’t cure your case of the Mondays (or Tuesdays), nothin’ will!

Happy second week of school, peeps!

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