Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Some Blissful Snuggles

So...I’m very pleased (and so is the hubby) to report that the unhinged, obsessive part of my back-to-school cleaning/purging/organizing is pretty much coming to a close (can I get an Amen?!).

Likely, because I’ve completed all the upstairs bedrooms, closets and attic, so my attention has shifted downstairs where there’s decidedly less to tackle.

Except for our master closet.

And pantry.

But I shall attempt to handle those items with a bit more patience and sanity. ;)

Of course, there’s still lots of fun, small-ish house projects that are in the works—some painting, some lighting, and a re-upholstery thingie (technical term)—but those are one-time projects that don’t require much angst. So they’re lighter and happier...and my mood should be, as well!

On the whole, I’m insanely pleased that this school nesting thing hit before the official kick-off of the elementary year, because I feel like next week will be a really lovely one to try and soak up all the time and treasure of all three kiddos underfoot before schedules and responsibilities go haywire again.

And...I got a blissful treat today as a preview of all that time I hope to soak up like a sponge next week—in the form of a glorious snuggle nap with m’girlies.

To give some context: the girlies have been spending most of their “quiet time” this summer together in Chica’s room. Typically working on their learning apps or watching a little something, or coloring/playing for about an hour.

And though every so often, they do their quiet time down in the master bedroom while I tackle other things, it’s been some time since we just had devoted snuggle/nap time together.

So...when Chica came to me a few days ago and specifically asked to have a nap day with me, I was like, yaaaaaaaas.

But it just didn’t work out with out schedules and to-do lists...until today!

It was a perfectly cloudy day for it, and Chica was pumped. We both figured Chicklet wouldn’t actually sleep like the two of us probably would, so I sent Chica upstairs for an iPad just in case—and she returned with nightgowns, stuffed animals and eye masks (you know, all the essentials), along with a lovely/excited smile on her face. :)

It really was the sweetest, throwback of a nap time that made my feel gloriously appreciative for all those days/weeks/years that I said screw it to anything I thought I needed to do during “quiet time” and just snuggled and napped with my kiddos.

Because now, it’s so rare.

Though still as wonderful.

As predicted, Chica and I did, indeed, fall asleep—totally entwined with one another, ha. And Chicklet did, indeed, play with a near-silent iPad right beside us, under the blanket. And Little Man did, indeed enjoy a totally solid, long nap.

And all four of three of us completed nap time feeling so happy and loved-up. 

My only regret—I have no pic of said glorious snuggles (though I have images in my mind).

So I’ll end this unientionally long and wordy post tonight with some old pics of my babies and our snuggles of days past. :)

Oh—and a happy shot of my beautiful Chicklet on the carousel today while we ran some easy errands.

Over and out.

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