Friday, September 21, 2018

A Skittish Fever

So...I think I shared earlier this week that Chicklet missed school on Tuesday due to a low-grade fever, and high-impact cough.

But it was fleeting.

There, for a hacking 24 hours, and then gone.

She was so fully recovered that Wednesday, we hosted not one, but two play dates (one after dance class—yup, she even rocked her dance class—and one after Chica was home from school).

And then Thursday, she made a triumphant and enthusiastic (still praising the heavens over that apparent enthusiasm) return to school. With no reports of coughing or anything of concern from her teachers.

So imagine my surprise when she woke this morning, all chipper and chatty...and then tanked so completely within the hour that she couldn’t even muster the energy to lift her yogurt spoon during breakfast.

Side note: can I puh-lease look as stunning as my beautiful girl when I’m sick—or really at any time whatsoever??? I mean, this girl slays me. lovely girl had a low fever but lots of sweats,  was pale as a ghost, and was just lacked any energy whatsoever.

I mean, in the span of time it took me to carry the dishes from the table to the kitchen sink, she couldn’t be bothered to sit and wait for me (let alone manage the stairs herself). Instead, I looked over and saw her sprawled on the hardwood floor. I mean, talk about breaking a Mama’s heart! 

Needless to say, I called a code red, scooped her up off the floor and upstairs to the playroom couch where we proceeded to stay and snuggle for the rest of the morning (with Little Man playing nicely nearby).

Thankfully, the Tylenol kicked in within the hour and her fever went away and her coloring came back, but geez louise. What is the deal???

I know the whole household is just fighting something minor, so I totally phoned it in today and got an A+ in mothering (note significant sarcasm here), because we pretty much just vegetated and watched tv until it was time to eat lunch and have quiet time.

Nice, huh? Gold star for me.

What can I say?? Sometimes, laziness is be order of the day.

We rallied enough to grab Chica from school and spend a lovely time with a little Halloween project. It was actually a total joy to see all three of my babies really engaged and focused on this simple craft. They were on it.

We’ve actually been doing one spooky craft or another nearly every day this week, I’m just behind on posting some. And they haven’t even been super complicated. Just oodles of fun because of the spirit of the season. :)

It still thrills me to bits and pieces and bits that every single time I ask, “do you guys wanna do a project?” the collective answer is a resounding, “YES.”

So the moral(s) of the story:

Hide-and-seek fevers are annoying.

Hardwood floors are not comfy beds.

Friday’s ate quickly becoming our official give-up day’s.

I’m an all-star (not) Mom on said Friday’s.

Pumpkins, bats, ghosts, and Frankenstein’s help pretty much any kind o’ day.

And now...HAPPY FREAKING (rainy!) WEEKEND, peeps!

Over and out.

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