Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Chicklet’s Pre-K Open House!

Oh. My. Dang. Goodness.




I feel like we’re just runnin’ and gunnin’ for the past two weeks, and we’re in the midst of another packed, milestone-filled week, with another busy Saturday ahead (a baby shower and two birthday parties within a five-hour period—oye!).

So I guess it goes without saying that between all of the above and my annoying back issues, I’m feeling just on this wee side of overwhelmed.

But. But, but, but...

After this week (and weekend), I feel like we will be hitting our stride of The Great Settling In that happens every Fall. We have no major visits, company or events on the schedule for a few weeks—just our new normal kind of busy—so things should finally calm a teeny-weeny bit. (I hope, I hope, I hope.)

But before that happens, my Chicklet and I have to get through this major week of her preschool kickoff!

I’ll save a longer post for Thursday (her official first day), and just share some pics of tonight’s Open House.

The whole environment and vibe of the school tonight was very positive and bustling and friendly—and I got a lovely first impression of Chicklet’s two classroom teachers.

She seemed comfortable in the room, and so many small touches (name tags by her seat and for her backpack hook, and a special snack bag with her name stenciled on it) made it feel tailored for her, and all the other little kiddos who will kick off the year on Thursday.

And it total helped to be able to tackle this big First Impression step for Chicklet (who had never visited the school before), as a complete family unit. There’s so much comfort there for my middle baby—who always wants her siblings in on the action. 

I took care to point oit small things that might register as she’s settling in on her own—like hunting for each tiny gecko that’s hidden in the murals of this Gecko Hall.

And, holy cow, was the playground (which we visited at the end) a giant hit. It’s pretty substantial and well covered (hallelujah), so I really feel that we did all we could to instill positive vibes in Chicklet regarding her soon-to-be school environment.

And I feel like God sent an extra-special kindness our way as we were leaving—a beautiful rainbow that actually made this Mama a little emotional.

The start of each school year is filled with so many changes and milestones (like this first day of school ever for Chicklet) that there was a great feeling of peace with that dang rainbow. 

And I don’t think I was the only one who sensed it.


Much more as the week progresses and Chicklet has her big day, but for now, I think I can safely say that we gave her only happy vibes tonight. And for that, I’m grateful.

Over and out.

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