Saturday, September 1, 2018

Everything, And The Kitchen Sink (Continued)

Well, peeps.

It’s been a week.

And this particular weekend ain’t slowing down!

So...I disappeared from posting a few days ago when two things simultaneously happened:

1. My back went out.

2. The same morning my back went out, Chicklet woke with a lip that was swollen twice its size, and crazy rash/spots spreading on her body.

So, yup. For anybody keeping track, it only took ONE FREAKING WEEK for school to break us, ha.

Long and short—I’m powering through my back issues with all the ice and heating pads and stretching and yoga and Advil and Aleve that I can, oye.

As for Chicklet—after a wild rush to the doctor, we discovered she’d had a virus (likely this mild stomach bug that was going through our household) that her body decided to attack with a yucky autoimmune reaction. I’d type details and give you medical terms and post pics, but let’s face it—I don’t wanna, and you don’t wanna see it or hear it. So just know, she’s fine and better and not contagious and all is on the upswing.

So...we made our already-scheduled trek to Tulsa yesterday evening. And here was our pit-stop just before bed to see aunt/uncle/dogs and more. :)

And then today, Daddy assumed the role of primary parent (along wih grandparent backup), while Nanna and I killed ourselves dead all over town getting a crap-ton (official term) accomplished regarding her kitchen rebuild.

And somewhere in there, we ate Brussels sprouts that are tied for the best I’ve ever had. Fact.

I’m wiped, but there were fun bits to the day and it feels good to get through a to-do list. Woohoo!

Happy Labor Day weekend, peeps!

More later. :)

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