Friday, September 28, 2018

Inaugural School Stadium Visit!

Oh. My. Goodness.

My feet are vibrating, they’re so tired.

This entire week has been go-go-go, but it’s All. Fun. Things. And tonight was no exception.

It was a special night for Chica’s elementary school to visit the brand-spanking new $70 million (yup, I typed million—whilst doing the Austin Powers/Dr. Evil pinkie thing) stadium that was built for the entire school district—just a couple miles away from our casa.

It’s the most expensive dang high school stadium in the country (and we live in Texas football territory, peeps, with some pretty outstanding standiums in nearby districts) and, man, is it nifty—especially for a non-college stadium!

We were on the fence about attending this high school football game/elementary night celebration (have I mentioned the go-go-go???) but Chica made the decision easy-breezy for us with her unbridled enthusiasm.

And it was contagious. Chicklet and Little Man had little idea what we were up to, but they were pumped.

And that was before the whole, fun shebang—so imagine their reviews after (spoiler alert: glowing).

I gotta give the elementary staff credit for really building the excitement for this night among the wee kiddos. They even had members of the high school football team visit each clsss last week—and Chica was zoned in on cheering for Number 30 because of it, ha.

This was definitely one event I’m so glad we joined in on.

A beautiful family night with smiles for miles. :)

Despite the vastness of the stadium, we were surrounded by so many familiar faces. You know, it’s really becoming evident in just our second year of elementary that a few dozen families can always be counted on to show up and participate.

I hope to count ourselves among those families as we continue to entrench ourselves in these elementary years, because it just makes everything feel so much warmer.

Obviously, this was the kiddos’ first live football experience—and really, their first experience in a crowd of this size, and it was awesomesauce to see them take it all in.

It was adorable to witness Chica’s budding school spirit. It’s like a spark catching fire. :)

Cow sighting!

I mean, seriously a gorgeous, happy night.

Oh—and here’s the event that helped stoke the fire last week:

Yay, for new family adventures in giant football stadiums!

And happy weekend, peeps!

It’s gonna be a banner one!

Over and out.

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