Sunday, September 30, 2018

Little Man’s Third Birthday—Activity!

Okay, peeps.

Get ready for more happy pics of our birthday HOOPLA for Little Man’s big THIRD.

When we last posted, there has been truck decoration insanity, cake for breakfast, and a dine-in movie.

And then...after a nap to restore some energy, we had an evening adventure to...

Medieval Times!

(Side note—Little Man was a bit weepy in these first couple of pics because he’d fallen and scraped his knee in his excitement to reach the venue, ha.)

For anybody who needs a bit of background—this place is pretty much exactly as you’d guess. A castle-styled dinner and entertainment venue where everybody’s in character, they call you milord or milady and serve you a feast you consume with your hands—all whilst watching a really raucous performance of knights jousting, fighting, competing with horses and just generally giving you a. Jolly, medieval time!

It’s definitely an activity we’ve had earmarked for awhile, it just hadn’t happened yet. And maybe that was for the best, because it was the perfect event for the birthday. :)

The kiddos each got a small souvenir as we arrived—Chica chose a flowered headpiece, Chicklet chose a toy dragon, and the birthday boy selected a toy knight on a horse.

And then we made our way inside the main area—that honestly surprised me with its setup!

I think I was expecting something a bit more, ahem, rustic or kind of traveling circus-like, but no! This is a full on production. With individual, padded theater-type seats, and everything perfectly staged with happy, lively ambiance.

And I gotta say—they really know how to engage the audience and encourage participation and rowdiness (and it doesn’t hurt that you have a specific Knight to root for, based on your seat section).

I mean, I never would have imagined my family of five donning crowns and waving pendants and cheering and jeering wildly for nearly two hours. My ears were ringing by the end, ha. And from my own dang voice! ;)

It was seriously great—and perfectly planned to keep the activities changing and the little ones entertained without too much wiggle worming.

And thank heavens for the loud atompshere for kiddos to just go nuts.

I mean, the smile says it all. :)

Honest to goodness—between the football/stadium night on Friday, the birthday hoopla all day yesterday, and our standard breakfast/church/grocery for the first half of today, we wildly succeeded in wearing our dang kids OUT! Ha.

Sadly, Mama and Daddy were worn out, too, with no rest for the weary and another busy week ahead.

But, man, some great memories this weekend!

Soooooo grateful for the happy, happy, joy, joy.

Our (medieval) cups overfloweth!

More mañana, peeps!

Happy Sunday!

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