Monday, October 29, 2018

A Shortened Arboretum Visit I mentioned in my last post or two, our household has generally been a bit puny health-wise over the past couple of weeks.

Three humans have had a combined six rounds of fevers on various days. And all the coughing, snotting, body aches, and general yuckiness that comes with it all. We haven’t been totally down and out (well, not for long, anyway), but we’ve just been trucking along at far less than 100%.

Add to that the fact that Dallas has seen a whole lotta rain (I’m not exactly complaining) in this month of October, and outdoor excursions have been tricky to manage.

So our beloved Fall trip to the arboretum got rained out, then rescheduled, and then rescheduled again. Until last weekend was our final chance to visit for “free” under our current yearly membership, so we just had to make it happen, despite the health yuck and mud, and just general lackluster-ness (yup, I’m making it a word) of m’crew.

In short: it wasn’t our usual festive fun, but we spent a token hour or so getting our pumpkins on.

And hopefully, we’ll just be extra special excited to go next year (or, better yet, at Christmas, which we still haven’t done).

These hilarious meh smiles sort of say it all. They wanted to be super-enthusiastic, but were kinda sorta just running on fumes, ha.

I’m grateful we at least made it there, but here’s hoping for more authentic (healthy!) smiles in our near future.


P.S. Whenever I wondered if pushing a quick arboretum visit was worth it, I reminded myself of the annual goodness of this trek, and it made me smile. I mean, just look at my babies in 2015. Little Man was fresh outta the womb. Like, two weeks old. :) I’m so glad I can track their ages with all these pumpkin pics!

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