Thursday, October 18, 2018

BOO For You!

So...our neighborhood (and I think many others) does this BOO Basket thing around Halloween.

It’s a super-super complicated process that might require a degree in something highly technical and smarty pants (like rocket science), but lemme see if I can break it down in three easy steps:

1. You fill a basket with BOO stuff (Halloween goodies).

2. You sneak the basket to a neighbor’s porch.

3. You ring the doorbell and RUN!

See? Super technical and complicated. But hopefully you get the gist. ;)

Anywho...we were BOO’ed by a neighbor two nights ago (super fun), so yesterday, we made a trip to The Dollar Store for supplies, and this afternoon, we assembled...

Posed before our covert outing...

And executed our attack(s). :)

I love these kinds of silly, happy, holiday shenanigans. I mean...preciousness. 

In other fun news, Nanna arrived today!

And in other other fun news...Chicklet’s school arranged these lovely photo op decorations outside last week. And they’ve provided some hay-larious (see what I did there??) pics during drop-off and pic-up. Hehe.

We also had some corn(y)—see what I did there again?—photo fun when we played in a little maze by our Tar-jay yesterday. 

Good, silly fun. 

Every tiny tidbit like this makes Fall soooooo lovely, and I dig it.

And I totally dig that it’s almost Friday!

Happy Thursday, peeps!

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