Sunday, October 28, 2018

Forced Family Photos

So...once a year, I totally become that cliched, annoying, frustrating (to my family, ha) woman, who just wants one professional family photo, for the love of all that is holy, please, please, pretty puh-leeeease.

I mean, is that so much to ask???

So yeah, sure, of course, if you follow along on this here blog, you know that I take about a gazillion photos of my kiddos on a daily basis, and many of them I love dearly and are of a decent enough quality to print or frame or use for whatever.


Once (and only once) a year, I book a mini photo session (15 painless, outdoor minutes) to try to get a shot of all of us (‘cause let’s face it—I’m not often in the photos with the kiddos), taken by an actual camera (because I don’t own one; I only ever use my phone), where we’re all smiling and looking in the same general vicinity.

Again, I that so much to ask???


Today was that day.

Family pics out at the fun Christmas tree farm that we lurv.

But I’m not gonna lie—things just weren’t working in our favor this year.

First off—the session was planned for two weeks ago and got rained out (because it’s been sooooo rainy in Texas this October). So it was still quite muddy, but we just rocked rain boots and rolled with it.

Secondly—our household is just puny, health-wise. I’ve been sick on and off for two weeks, Little Man has been running a fever most of the weekend, and Chicklet completely tanked today after two not great days (and totally terrible nights)—and even closed her eyes to try and sleep on the way to the photo session.


Add to that the fact that Chica was complaining because I dictated the outfits instead of giving her free reign, and I found myself not so pumped about something I usually look forward to.

I heard myself spewing things that I never tap into, like:

Well, this isn’t about you.

This is for Mama.

I don’t really ask for much.

It will make me so mad/sad/frustrated if you don’t act happy and smile.

You know, all the good, heinous begging that every mom busts out for just one, cooperative family photo, ha. 

Again—can I get an oye.

As always, this photographer (who we’ve used four times now) makes it so easy, and I hope (hope, hope) we got a good shot or two, because all the yuck fell away while we were there and just needed to be silly and smile for a few minutes.

But I’m chalking this year up to just a gotta-get-it-done kind of year, ha.

I mean, these looks say it all. They were kinda done and really tired—though Chicklet and Little Man actually look kind of happy, ha.

Still. I’m grateful for a shot at getting, well, a good shot. And I’ve always loved the sequins dresses that the girlies wore. So here’s hoping for the best when the pics roll in, and at least it’s marked off our list!

Happy Sunday, peeps.


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