Saturday, October 27, 2018

Mohonk—Day 3


We went.

We vacationed. 

We came home.

And all bits were glorious (even the coming home part, because I got to squeeze my kiddos to bits and pieces and bits!).

And then we totally hit the ground running with our return to daily life—which meant my time for posting was next to nothin’. Zilch. Nada. Nunca.

But I’m going try to catch up this weekend before another fun and busy Halloween Week is upon us.

So, heeeeeere’s the final day of trip pics!

As a quick summary: our third and final day was sort of our low-key day after loads o’ hiking, biking, climbing (and not falling off cliff edges [I kid, but only a little]).

We started the day with spa appointments, I finally took an afternoon nap, and then we made one, last (short) hike around the lake before some glorious rain set in.

It was all so lovely and picturesque—but if I look a little haggard in these pics, it’s because I was (and am, still, ha). The sick ick I was plunged into right before our departure had lightened a bit for the two main days of our trip, but then it returned with a vengeance, so it was pretty fortunate that it was finally our day to be lazy.

But what a gorgeous trip in such a majestic setting.

At some point in a week or so, when I have time to reflect a bit, I’ll have to post a wrap-up—in a far more eloquent manner than my brain is capable of at present.

But the gist is: we feel very blessed to have seen and done so much in such a stunning, unique environment. It was certainly an immersive, Fall trip to remember.


This is one of my favorite shots of the lake, as it was soooo calm and still, just before the rain set in. So cool.

See what I mean about my haggard showing? ;) Some makeup would have been helpful, ha.

You know, this property has about 85 hikable miles of trails, and we probably made it through only about 15 or less. But I gotta say—it was an awesome mix of 15 or so miles. Interior forests, exterior cliffside views, some of the major landmarks of the area, and even this final, short hike around the higher cliffs of the lake.

Down came the rain!

We watched the rain for a bit from one of the lower patios, and then by the time we made it back up to our room, it had mostly passed.

Which left us with one of the most stunning sunsets to view from our balcony—and actually, the only one we really caught while we were there!

Like I said—there’s much more to type when I have a bit to gather my thoughts, but on the whole, it was just such a stunning, nature-focused trip, and we soaked it allllll in.


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