Monday, November 26, 2018

Hot Cocoa For The Soul

So...I feel like I’m just emerging from a sick-ick fog/holiday whirlwind cloud that has left me feeling woozy and disoriented—and not just from the prescription medications, ha.

And, oye vey, have I fallen behind on posting during that fog/cloud of craziness. :(


I’m just gonna power ahead at full steam with our happenings—and sprinkle in catch-up posts as time allows—so that I don’t crawl into a backlog of pics and updates from which I’ll never return.

Never, I tell ya.

(Okay, yeah, sure, a tad dramatic, but that’s the leftover sick-ick taking.)

So...a quick summary of our life of late:

If the crux of last Fall’s sick ick was the Croup Crap, this year’s sick ick shall forever be centered around the Strep Suck that we just lived through.

I mean, it was rough. And I now have a far greater fear and respect for The Strep. And I don’t wanna see it around these parts anytime soon.

So needless to say, after travel and all the happy activity of a lovely holiday—despite the sick—my crew was wiped upon our return home on Saturday evening—and this morning’s alarm clock and associated school run was not so welcomed by my nuggets, ha.

I dubbed this shot The Holiday Hangover, and it pretty much says it all:

Of course, we had a zinger to add to our re-immersion day. And that is, wait for it...Little Man’s sudden onset of CROUP.

Yes, I said CROUP.

I should’ve known when he spiked another fever last night, despite still being on antibiotics, that he was coming down with the yucky viral gunk that Chica and I had been fighting in addition to our bacterial Strep (yup, the hits just keep on comin’.)

By noon, we heard the first telltale seal bark (at lunch with Daddy, so I had another witness!), and by 2 p.m., his voice was almost gone and the bark was so consistent, I immediately administered the leftover meds from our last round of dealing with this and started monitoring his breathing.

I think (I hope, I hope, I hope) we caught it early and attacked it well, but seriously. I am done with the germs, people!!! And I’m guessing a pediatrician visit will be in our near future.

But. All that said. We needed a happy, holiday, normal day—or at least as normal as we could make it, given Little Man’s state.

So after Chica was home from school, I arranged a holiday cocoa party, complete with happy mugs and marshmallows, sprinkles and mini chocolate chips for the kiddos to enjoy. And, boy, did they, ha.

Oh, but first, we painted nails holiday red and green. :)

Then the cups of marshmallows with a little bit of cocoa. ;)

And then we capped it off by getting out a few smaller Christmas decorations, and doing the one thing that makes our universe right: project.

It was a good afternoon—and I was blessed with lovely praise from my eldest, who was extra enchanted by it all. She kept saying what a great day it was, and that’s pretty much enough to warm any mother’s heart. :)

Hoping tomorrow will bring less croup crap and more of the fun.

Happy Post-Thanksgiving, peeps!

Over and out.

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