Tuesday, November 27, 2018

My Little Spidey

So...my boy and I made a little trip to Target today for a few supplies (though, to be accurate, when are Tarjay trips ever little??), and one of the items on our list was a pair of Spider-Man pajamas.

‘Cause my little dude is suddenly into Spidey—and he could not have been cuter in our purchase.

I mean...I die.

He was sooooo daaaaang pumped about his pjs that he was busting a gut—and gave his Mama some extra love. :)

And, you know, the best part of his sudden Spidey love is that it didn’t come from a toy or a TV show. It came from a book and a song!

Two weeks ago, I saw this (again, in Tarjay), and was so charmed by the adorable illustrations:

I mean, look at this cute one that’s our fave, because Spidey’s taking a lunch break, hehe.

And the best best part about the purchase is that the book came with a CD of the original Spider-Man song. Which we have since listened to in the car, on repeat. And repeat. And repeat, ha.

So the Spidey love is strong and sudden-onset. And totally adorable.

I mean, just look at him flying to pick up his sissies from school. I could not love him more. (And, yup, I just let him wear his pjs out.)

I die over this Spidey seriousness, hehe:

Of course—shock of all shocks—my still croup-y boy wept when I had to wash his pjs tonight and he couldn’t wear them to bed. :( But I swore up one side and down the other that I’d have them clean again come morning.

And speaking of weeping and having things clean again...this panorama shot of our playroom this evening makes me tired:

It was mike pulling teeth getting my three nuggets to pitch in and help pick things up. But we conquered it. At least for one night.

And now, some bonus silliness from Tarjay and our happy car decorations that at back. Woohoo!

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