Thursday, November 8, 2018

My School Participation Fix!’s just a fact that I’m about one teensy-tiny year from being able to volunteer at the kiddos’ schools in a more meaningful way.

Because, until then, Little Man is still with me 24/7, so he goes where I go, and though he’s certainly acclimated to our visits at the girlies’ schools, he’s still way too excitable and rambunctious for me to, say, take him along with me to a classroom situation where he needs to be still and quiet.

Cafeterias, though, are a different story. He can be a little loud and crazy and ants-in-his-pants-y and it’s totally fine.

So we’ve been able to visit Chica for lunch every couple of weeks or so—and that’s more than we were able to manage last year, so, whoohoo!

Today was a particularly fun day, because it was Thanksgiving Celebration day, which is always good fun with loads of peeps in attendance.

I didn't sign up for the official turkey meal because the line just takes way too long, nor did I pick up special drive-through food, but I did come prepared with appropriate headgear and giant cupcakes.

And aren’t those really the most important things for holiday success???

Gobble, gobble.

Also—try explaining a pilgrim to a six-year-old who hasn’t really gotten that far in the Thanksgiving history yet, ha.

It’s so nice to feel so comfortable in Chica’s school environment—and equally as comfortable with a handful of parents and kiddos we know. :)

And though Chicklet was at her school today and missed the lunch fun, we shared hats once we picked her up.

Love my crazy babies.

And do you know what else I love, love, love???

Taking advantage of visiting family (usually mothers) so I can sneak away and attend some special event or handle some extra volunteering at school that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to manage.

And I just so happened to have some mothers around at the end of October, so I got my fix!

The major bit of fun I managed at Chica’s school was signing up to be a Mystery Reader.

The teachers try to get someone in the classroom once a week, and I honed in on the day before Halloween weeks in advance, because: a) I knew I’d have the mothers around to watch the other kiddos, and, b) I knew I wanted to take advantage of the holiday-themed fun. :)

And, man, was it fun.

Probably because it was the most up-close-and-personal interaction I’ve managed during Chica’s short elementary time.

I brought two books a (Grimelda The Very Messy Witch, and Little Shop of Monsters) and only expected to read one, but the kiddos were wildly enthusiastic about continuing with another, and they were just too darn engaged and cute.

And, yes, I wore a witch’s hat. ;)

And I may or may not have brought goodie bags for the kiddos that included a little Halloween project that I so did not expect to do in class.

But I totally got to!

And it was soooo much fun and chaotic and adorable and sooooo made me appreciate all over again the patience and commitment of teachers the world over.

In another life, I think that kind of job might have suited me. But I think it’s a true calling for those who are really built for it, and I’m so grateful to those amazing few.

Long and short—it was a super-fun and super-charged round of quality time with Chica and her classmates. And since I got to eat with my girl before the Mystery Reading, it was just a really good day. 

And as if that Chica school fun wasn’t enough to brighten my Mama heart, I was fortunate enough to have the last-minute availability to join in on a special event day at Chicklet’s school—and it almost made my heart burst.

Because Chicklet, who didn’t really know I was coming to help, was soooooo elated and just effervescent when I showed up, that she was vibrating with joy and pride having me there. And it literally made me melt.

She took me by the hand, staking her claim, and led me everywhere telling me everything, just bouncing along with happiness.

And I got to spend a fun hour leading a group of her classmates through some fun, silly games that brought a lot of smiles. :)

I really and truly can be boosted up soooo much by the small interactions at my kiddos’ schools. It’s just such special time for me, creating such fun, little memories that (hopefully) help my babies know how much I love and care what they’re up to.

So heaven help me when I have three in school and more time to join in. I’ll be like the Grinch, who’s heart just keeps growing and growing and growing.

Happy Almost Weekend, peeps!

Over and out.

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