Sunday, November 4, 2018

This Sunday In November Randoms

Well, m’peeps.

It’s been a low-key, mostly house-bound weekend—equal parts restorative, productive and, well, a bit exhausting.

Lemme tell you the good, bad and random by list. Cause who doesn’t love a good list??

1. Chica was increasing quiet on Saturday, though it took us a while to really notice it, because we stayed home most of the day and just vegetated.

But when she sprawled like this on the couch and didn’t move for 30 minutes, I busted out the thermometer, and, yup, my eldest was with fever and generally down and out.

Poor baby.

There’s been a bunch of gunk going around her classroom, and even a classmate and a teacher out with strep. So...not sure what she’s got, but I’m keeping her home mañana since her fever was still around most of the day today, though lower.

She’s bummed, because she had perfect attendance in the first nine weeks of school and wanted to keep the momentum going, but...whaddya do? Gotta contain those germs!

2. I’m happier news...before Chica’s fever set in on Saturday, our one and only errand of the day was a round at Homegoods for kicks and giggles.

And just look at this cuteness. :)

But as adorable as the unicorn wig looked, it was so not the highlight of our stop.

No, the highlight of our stop had me so wildly excited I was practically shrieking at the hubby across the store and dragging him to my major find!

As a little background: I’ve been eyeballing new kitchen chairs for about a year now. The ones we’ve had since we lived here just aren’t functional with tiny self-feeding kiddos, because:

a) they have white, fabric chusions that are stained each and every meal and drive me insane in the membrane, and,

b) they’re a woven rattan with slats just big enough to get every teeny tiny crumble of food and debris stuck in nooks and crannies irrevocably (despite this OCD Mama trying to clean slats with toothpicks—I mean, how nutso is that???).

So whenLittle Man officially ditched his high chair, I really started jonesing for these chairs that I found and luuuuurved immediately:

I mean—super fun, easy and wipeable, and totally our style. The hubby loved them, too, and gave me the go-ahead to order them, but I just never did because, well, they were pricey!

So image my shock and awe and epic freak-out when I walked down an aisle in Homegoods and found a pair of these that were nearly identical to the pricey ones online!

I mean...I died. I’ve seriously been stalking these chairs for about a year, ha, and just happened upon a pair that were a totally different brand but spot-on the same, and a fraction of the cost!

Only problem—there were only two.

But since the tag gave me a brand name and style, I hopped on my phone in the store and tracked down another pair via amazon, and, long story short: I got all four chairs for darn near the price of what one would have cost me had I ordered through the original site.


I’m. So. Pumped.

And the other two will arrive this week.


I’ve never been so happy to have Little Man spill his yogurt and queso (yes, he ate them both at lunch; an excellent combo) all over his chair.

Wipe and done.

No more fabric nightmare!

Can I get an Amen???

What an epic accidental find—and a total reward for my stalking and patience! :)

3. Next up on the list...I’ll stick with something happy. Because we couldn’t do our standard breakfast/church/grocery round today due to the sick ick, we hung out at home and officially got all the Halloween put away and the Thanksgiving out.

Add to that lots o’ laundry churning at all times and I was feeling pretty productive. But the hubby knocked that into the stratosphere when he agreed to tackle mulch today.

I should have been scared that he decided to rent a truck and bring a whole, dang pallet (that’s 60 bags, m’peeps) home, but I was just happy, happy, joy, joy, since we didn’t mulch in the Spring and seriously needed it.

The kiddos got a kick out of watching him unload, and the weather was so crisp and nice we kept some windows open today to bring in fresh air. :)

(And, yes, I was holding my babies by the waists so they wouldn’t fall out the window, all you overly-concerned grandmothers the world over. Give me a little credit!)

It took about two hours of us working during nap time, but it’s glorious to have a full, completed layer in the front beds. Another project that’s been on my list for awhile!

The backyard beds likely won’t be tackled until next weekend, but the hard part (the buying and transporting) is already done. So, woohoo!

4. And last but not least for my random see this insanely adorable cutie pie right here???

Don’t let that smile and general preciousness deceive you.

She is ageing me at an alarming rate these last few weeks.

The girl is not sleeping.

She’s simultaneously going through a scaredy-cat phase and a bowel-movement embargo (is that a classy way of putting her refusal to go, and her nine day holdout that I had to force an end to last night??).

I mean...she’s killing her poor parents.

Last night, she was up six times. Six times???!!! That’s worse than a newborn!

My under-eye bags have their own bags, and my gray hairs are multiplying at an exponential rate! It is absolutely, completely no bueno.


We’ve been through this—and worse!—before. 

And we know that this, too, shall pass.

But I’d really, really like it if it can pass, like, ASAP.



More mañana about happier things like Thanksgiving projects and school events I was able to join in on last week for the girlies.

But for bags and eye (I mean, I) are gonna try to get some shuteye.

Happy Daylight Savings Sunday, m’peeps.

Over and out. 

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