Friday, December 7, 2018

Run Down (By Numbers)

So...remember yesterday, when I had a Spider-Man down??

Well, today, another kiddo officially bit the dust:

And tonight, after snuggling with said kiddo (who was having a really tough time sleeping) I came downstairs and found Daddy like this:

Are we sensing a household theme here???

Our collective family tank is on empty with a capital E.


But—hey—I still have one kiddo left standing!

(For now.)

So in case you can’t tell, the sick ick is running rampant around here. And just for kicks, here’s the “fun” by numbers:
  • 3 weeks ago, 4 of us had strep throat.
  • 12 days ago, Little Man had croup.
  • 7 days ago, Little Man spiked a new fever.
  • 1 doctor visit resulted in no prescription.
  • 8 days later, he still has the fever.
  • 2 days ago, Chicklet joined the fever fun.
  • 1 fed up Mama hauled 2 kids back to the doc.
  • 2 kids tested positive for strep today—again.
  • 1 bonus sinus infection for my boy rounded us out.
And that’s just the kiddo tally. Mama and daddy are also down and out this week, but you know how that goes: no rest for the weary.

I counted the number of doctor’s visits we’ve collectively had over the past three weeks (again, for kicks and giggles, because I have nothing else to do with my time—not), and the total was 8.


I think I officially give up.

Much like last November, the germs win.

They can have the house.

And to think I was so optimistic that we were trucking along healthier this year! 

Oh well.

At least October wasn’t as bad. Our ick just shifted back a month.

So now that all hope is lost for this season, I’m setting my sights on a healthier Fall/Winter 2019.

And I promise to try and stop taking about the sick ick, because nobody wants to hear it—especially ME!

Over and out (with Mama’s slumber sponsored by NyQuil).

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