Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Some Crazy And Some Cheer

So...our life has been sooooo nutty and crazy, as you might have sensed from my terribly sporadic posting, of late. And I promise, promise, promise to eventually catch you up on all that nutty and crazy.

But it ain’t gonna be tonight. Ha.

Instead, tonight I’ll share one major positive and one majorly festive milestone of the past few days.

The positive: Chicklet is doing sooooo much better with her poo problems (yup, I went right there with this quick update post, ha). I don’t exactly know what to credit for the improvement (well, actually, I have some decent guesses, but you reeeeaaally don’t wanna hear that minutiae. So I’m just gonna take the positive momentum and be glad for it.

Also. How stinking adorable is this note that I found in Chica’s backpack last night??

I mean...I die. Sibling positivity and praise. Family feels. And a Christmas tree. What more can you ask for???

And now...the festive milestone: we put up the playroom tree tonight, and it was sooooo needed. It was like a salve to all the crazy and nutty we’ve been living through. And it was so fun to watch each kiddo gravitate toward some of their long-standing ornament faves. I kid you not—Chica even squirled four of them away just for herself, not as part of the tree, and I think they were at least three of the same ones she’s luuurved since she was two years old. :)

More pics of those favorite ornaments tomorrow in better lighting. For now, some dark, tree light pics of my babies.

Chicklet actually won the award for enthusiasm among my trio. She asked to hold hands and sing around the tree after it was decorated. And eventually, when Chica and Little Man headed downstairs for dinner, she told me to come sit in front of the tree with her and pray to baby Jesus and my heart grew twenty sizes just like The Grinch. :) :) :) I mean, her brain these days is my favorite thing in the world.

More tomorrow (I hope) about life.

Until then, pray for the latest round of sick ick that’s given three of us fevers to just MOVE THE HECK OUT of the casa!

Peace out, peeps.

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