Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Home Diversions

So, I’m not gonna wasn’t a great day ‘round these parts.

Well, I suppose to be more specific it wasn’t a great night and early morning (and by “wasn’t great,” I mean terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, rotten and heinous).

Chica—who’s been sick on and off with fever and gunk—was, of course, home from school Monday with her lingering fever. Then Tuesday, she was back at it, and fairly healthy. But last night, tanked again with coughing fit after coughing fit (for hours) that left her in such a state she was dry heaving. :(

So that fun lasted from about midnight until 2 am. And then from 3-4 am, my Chicklet was up and crying and restless and just not going back to sleep.

So by the time I woke at 7 (in the throes of a full-blown migraine, thanks to all the wild flashes of the kiddos’ monitor lights throughout the night), I knew it wasn’t going to be a great one.


We rallied.

I kept Chica home, fearful of any horrendous, daytime coughing fits, and it was certainly the right move, since she didn’t wake until nearly TEN in the morning. Poor girl was so worn out.

And then I’m thrilled to report she was pretty solid during the day. So we went about our routine, and I kept her segregated when he had to go to Chicklet’s dance class so we didn’t share germs, and fingers crossed, she’ll be able to go to school mañana.

And fingers crossed, my head will feel loads better tomorrow.

And fingers crossed, my kiddos will sleep loads better tonight!!

So...long and short: there wasn’t a lot o’ fun to record around here today. So a little diversion might be fun instead. :) Some updates on the SA house renovations. Woohoo!

We’re officially one week in and the demo is nearly done done. It actually would have been done done days ago (they made swift work during the first 72 hours), if the tile (and grout) removal throughout a decent chunk of the downstairs hadn’t slowed things down.

But they’re down to cleanup, and painting begins upstairs tomorrow. Wohoo! I think in about a week, we’re going to start seeing some speedy progress on the upstairs bathrooms. And that will be super fun to see.

In the meantime, here are some pics...

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