Sunday, January 6, 2019

Kiddo Reconnecting!

So...I might sound totally insane in the membrane here, but we’re nearing the end of a nice long, holiday break with no school, minimal work, and lots of togetherness time—and, yet, I feel slightly disconnected from my kiddos!

See—insane, right???

But the thing is: holidays always mean extended family in town, the hubby home from work, and activities and events above and beyond our usual chaos. And all of that equates to lots of people around, helping to care for and entertain and spend quality time with the kiddos, when I’m used to being the sole adult on duty! So it just leaves me feeling slightly off, like I’ve been shirking responsibilities.

Seriously...insane, I know!

Nevertheless. Insanity or not—when all company departed, and New Year’s Day had come and gone, and the hubby was back at work for a few days last week, I had every intention of digging back into my mothering duties with bells on, and enjoying the heck out of our final days of break.


You know how best laid plans go (not so well, sometimes), and our days have just been crazy busy. 

So despite my hopes and dreams of replicating our super-fun first week of January 2018 (where we tackled a different, fantastic outing five days in a row), we had to settle for slotting in some fabulous activities—but as a side show to lots of other life craziness, instead of as the main event.

Oh well.

I’ll take the fun where I can get it—and the kiddos certainly weren’t complaining!

So here are some pics of our random, fun times, like...a loooong, extensive round of play-doh on a rainy morning:

And this was a big one—probably the best of our activities, and the one that brought us the most joy: a trip to our beloved indoor play place. :)

The kiddos were literally radiating happiness, and crawling all over that giant, multi-storied labrynth, exclaiming, “this is the best ever!” Which totally made my Mama heart double in size. :)

Also—an hour climbing through that place as an adult is equivalent to 3,762 hours in the gym.

Just saying.

It was both happy and so, so sad to see my Little Man totally and completely capable of climbing throughout the entire shebang.

I didn’t have to give his tushy a helpful boost once!

Which made me wildly proud, and wildly depressed.

Where have my babies gone???

The first time we went to this place, Chica was less than two years old, and nobody else existed outside the womb!! Wahhhhhh.

But what a wonderful outlet it has been for us—and such a fun way to look back and track my babies’ developing motor skills, hehe.

Then...the next day, we went for a family movie outing to see Mary Poppins Returns, and what fun that was. Total glee.

And last but not, I had some special pampering time with my girlies, who were thrilled to bits and pieces and bits to go to “the spa” to get their nails done.

If you’ll recall, Chica went for her first ever nail experience this summer, right after Chicklet’s broken leg (oye, good times). It was intended to be an activity for Chicklet while she was indisposed, but she was a little too scared by the idea when the time came, so this was her very first time to go.

She was still a little scared (when the clippers and files were busted out, she ended up on my lap for 20 minutes, ha). But with the patience of some lovely staff, she was back in her own chair and thrilled with her blue toes and periwinkle nails by the end.

And I just died when we got home and she told daddy about the button you press and then go (imagine her wiggling her entire body in cute convulsions, explaining the message chair). It. Was. Priceless.

See...typing all this up helped me feel loads better about my less-than-top-notch plans for the past few days, because look at everything we got to do!

BLESSED, for sure.

It’s good to keep the crazy and the fun all in perspective.

Happy One-Day-Left-Of-Holiday-Break, peeps!

Over and out.

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