Friday, January 18, 2019

Morning Breakfast Fun was so not a lovely wrap-up to this not-so-awesomesauce week. Oye.
  1. Little Man is still fairly sick, so we were mostly housebound.
  2. A visit from a repairman resulted in the news that our dishwasher heat line has fried (therefore rendering the communication to the control panel kaput), dishwasher for us. Which is so not what we wanted to spend money on right now, when we are hemorrhaging it elsewhere (ahem, new home renovations, ahem).
  3. noon, we already knew that the hubby’s flight home was delayed by a few hours, which meant another evening without him when we were so looking forward to his homecoming this afternoon!

He still made it home right before the kids went to sleep, so that’s something. But honestly, I feel like we’ve been limping over the finish line of the week—and diving into renovation budget spreadsheets tonight was so not an upper to cap it all off, ha. But we decided to rip of the bandaid so that tomorrow, we can do something substantially more fun.

All that being said...

Let’s turn this sad-sack ship around, shall we???

And to do that, I’ll share some pics of some lovely things we got to do yesterday—before Little Man’s health went too far south.

We kicked off the morning oh-so-sweetly with a Pastries With Parents breakfast event at Chicklet’s school. It was such a small thing that brought so much joy to her little face (I mean, seriously, she just beans anytime we are there for an event with her; she’s so happy there)—and honestly, it was just such a nice break from our morning routine.

Thank heavens I had the foresight to bring some yogurt and bananas to cut the sugar of our donuts, because I had fewer bites than the kiddos, and even I was feeling high on the sugar life before 9 am. ;)

I’m seriously so grateful for her preschool experience on an ongoing basis. The best thing I can say about it is that it’s so easy. No angst, wonderful people, happy kiddo, like minded and like life-staged parents. It’s been golden.

So after we left the breakfast fun, Little Man and I ran a quick errand, then returned home for some lego and snack time. :) And just look how stinking handsome and mischievous he was, ha.

Love that boy.

He was sooooo good for me at a lunch we had a bit later with a mom friend of mine that I totally let him indulge at our favorite little downtown candy and popcorn store...

But he ended up totally orange from head to toe (cheddar popcorn, we love you, but not your hue!) that I had to take him home and fully bathe him, ha.

But then he smelled so lovely for school pick ups (and totally rocked pajamas out in public, as is his frequent request these days, ha).

And Chica came home beaming over a Chicklet necklace one of her friends made for her that day during some special crafting time. :) So sweet, these kiddos are.

So...going to try and rid ourselves of this yucky week and enjoy 36 hours or so with the hubby.

And I’m super duper extra excited to pass over the kiddo monitor duty to him for the night, so I can SLEEP.

Happy Weekend, peeps!

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