Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Some Solid Play Time

With all that’s been going on lately, I feel like our quality, undivided-attention play time has been diminished (obviously), so it was extra-special glorious to take my Little Man to one of our very favorite indoor play places (not the climbing one, ha), and just enjoy.

And—bonus, bonus—for some crazy, cosmic, never-ever-happens reason, we had the whole place to ourselves for a full hour before anybody else showed up!

And—bonus, bonus, BONUS—we got back in the car after just 90 minutes of fun, and my boy declared, “that was the best day ever.” :)

Mission. Accomplished.

We also capped off the day with one of Chica’s friends over for a play date for a couple hours of bouncy housing, hot chocolate, and projects. Good times.

And tired Mama.

Is it not even Wednesday yet???

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