Monday, January 14, 2019

Stowaway (And Other Diversions)

Well, peeps.

It happened.

The dreaded day of separation.

(Ha—I just realized how divorce-like that sounded, so to any peeps who aren’t regular readers, this is just a yucky circumstance of moving chaos! Noooooo marital woes here...unless you count my hubby in a different city for the foreseeable future, leaving me alone with our three insane kiddos until the weekend, when we’ll see who’s still got their sanity. Tune in for the live show.)

Yesterday at noon, the hubby left for San Antonio and his new job that he dove into today (no rest for the weary, eh??).

And with this yucky day looming for a few weeks, in a way, it was good to finally rip off the bandaid, because every day that goes by might be a day closer to our official move and our family reunion.


It was also pretty awful—and I never would have guessed Little Man to be the kiddo in full-on meltdown mode. :(

Of course, he lurvs his Daddy like mad, but I think he was mostly upset and bawling because he didn’t like the idea of Daddy leaving with a suitcase (which usually equates to a fun trip in Little Man’s brain), without us tagging along for the fun, too.

And no matter how much I tried to rationalize with my three-year-old, he just wasn’t having it and the meltdown lasted for quite some time.

For comic relief, Daddy joked that he’d pack Little Man in his suitcase, so when the time came, we let him crawl in there for kicks and giggles.


My poor Little Man just got sad about it all.

And these pics are pretty heartbreaking, so perhaps not the best way to try and lift some spirits!

Though the hubby is in a hotel for a week or two until a small bit of the new casa is habitable, this might be the only time in the near future that he drives rather than flies, so it was logical for him to pack his car with a decent load...a sight I was so not prepared for.

Hello, stab to the gut to see so many of his dress clothing items absent. :( 

Also—why didn’t he want to take his Christmas suit with him? Why, hubby?? Why???

While the packing was going on, I did my best to distract the kiddos with some project fun. And luckily, it worked enough that I had the hubby sneak out without any dramatic goodbyes so we didn’t set Little Man off again. :(

And we had the added distraction of a new (to us) animal TV show we are loving. The Crikey! Irwin family show. It’s so fun for my animal-loving kiddos.

I’m happy (or sorry?) to say that the rest of the day—and today for that matter—has been relatively normal. If a bit more tiring! Both due to Daddy’s departure and my sick kiddos.

Chica had to stay home from school today to kick her fever and yucky gunk. And I think she’s doing slightly better and should be able to return to a school mañana. But, man, have these kiddos been cuh-ranky and emotional unstable. The sure-fire way to tell they aren’t operating at 100%!

I mean, I think I’ve been doing everything but tap dancing (and maybe some of that, too), to keep everyone emotionally stable-ish! So here’s hoping tomorrow will be a tad easier to manage (will it seriously just be Tuesday???).


Here are some pics of all my diversion tactics of the last 24 hours. Enjoy!

A “Pizza My Heart” Valentine project that we did last year, too, and loved...

We kept all the pieces and bits out on the playroom table overnight, and they went right back to it this morning. :)

Then a bit later, we did Valentine’s sun catchers...

And look at Chicklet’s! She’s getting so precise with her painting these days, and I just love to see the progression. :)

I don’t so much love the off-road painting of placemats, ha. But still, lovely. ;)

Then a bit later, when there was way too much in-fighting and insanity...I busted out a Kiwi Crate is glowing creatures. It helped to calm the chaos, ha.

Thankfully, after full bellies from a pajama-clad run to Chick-fil-A, the had some quality quiet time.

I mean, just look how stinking adorable he is.

A few Little Man sleeping items of note:
  • Yes, I freaking know he still had a paci in that pic.
  • No, he will not sleep with it forever—just like his sisters did not.
  • No, it is not a battle I’m fighting at the moment. #I’mAtMentalCapacityHere
  • Yes, he’s getting his big boy bed in the new house!
And, lastly...we capped off our pre-dinner hour with Hot Chocolate Monday. ‘Cause who doesn’t want sugar before their meal??? ;)

Send out happier vibes for a calmer Tuesday!

Peace out, peeps.

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