Saturday, February 23, 2019

If You Don’t Have Something Nice To Say...

Well, m’peeps.

It’s been a week.

And I don’t mean that in the literal translation of seven days.

I mean that in the sarcastic translation of seven days that have kicked my heiny forwards and backwards, many times over.

So there’s been some radio silence on this here blog during the heiny kicking, because I sort of felt like if I didn’t have something nice to say, I didn’t want to say anything at all. 


Now I’m ready to give you some brief snippets before I try to end it on a positive note—and I’ll attempt to do the horrific roundup as succinctly as possible.




First Trial

Wednesday night my Little Man landed himself in urgent care and then the ER for a toe injury so nasty that is was—and still is—just NASTY, and I won’t even show you the pictures (and you know I share the pictures of pretty much everything).

So just use your imagination as you conjure up something that bled for days (literally) in many places, will cost him one toenail (the big toenail on his right foot), and, quite possibly, that big toe nail for the rest o’ his life.

I mean...NO FUN.

He screamed bloody murder (understandably so) for sooo long, but was a real trooper by the time we were at ER. Poor dude.

He didn’t walk for about 36 hours, and now he’s figured out a sort of roll-onto-the-outside-of-the-injured-foot hobble that’s just pathetic. Oye.

But, hey, at least it wasn’t another cast.

Second (And Really, Third) Trial

Luckily (and I mean that wildly sarcastically), the fun was not nearly over come Thursday, when my dear Chicklet tanked hard and rather quickly, post-school.

She walked out of her classroom already in tears.

Spiked a massive fever within two hours.

And was in my bed for the night so I could monitor her—when she woke suddenly and began many rounds of explosive diarrhea (sorry, peeps, it just is what it is, and I’m too tired to think of any creative, alternative wording), all over our master bathroom.

The “best” part was when I got her into the shower to hose her down, and she had another attack come on, and I just had to soothe her and let her get it out right there in the shower.

And by get it out, I mean shite all over my feet right there in that shower that I hope to never have again.

The cleanup was super fun—about as fun as the bloody cleanup the night before, post ER, when Little Man got spooked by a bug (what are the chances??), busted open his bloody wound further, and bled all over the tile, the upholstered bench, the wall, the rug, and the towels.

I mean...I can’t even.

Here’s one text I sent to the still-working-out-of-town-during-the-week hubby after just the first round of that fun. So imagine how lovely I was after another round at midnight, then 2 am...followed by 4 am and 5:30 am rounds with Little Man, who also spiked a fever.

Mama felt run over come Friday morning.

An always-delightful pediatrician visit happened mid-morning, and then my two youngest babies spent most of the day like this:

The Fourth—And Most Infurtiating—Trial


As all that had been going on during the latter part of the week, we were also coming to a very bad place with the potential buyers of our current house, who have proven to be quite challenging from the get-go.

And though I could rant and rail about oodles of things that have frustrated me with these buyers and their agent, this final straw of stress and madness involved the roof.

Long and short (though maybe really a bit long, so skip over if you’re uninterested):
  1. We had a bad hail storm more than a year ago.
  2. We went through the due process of filing a claim and our roof was deemed just fine.
  3. Fast forward all this time and the potential buyers had their inspection of our house, and the roof was deemed fine, but some minor hail damage noted.
  4. We had a roofer out for a “roof refresh” as a result of that inspection, and the roofer didn’t even charge us for the full amount because our roof is pretty solid.
  5. The potential buyers still weren’t happy, and showed up at our house without advanced notice, with yet another roofer of their choosing, who claimed we needed a new roof.
  6. Mama got pissed.
  7. Realtors started fighting.
  8. We had another roofer out, through our insurance company this time, and the roof was still deemed fine.
  9. The potential buyers still weren’t happy, and had another roofer of their choosing out, without notice or permission, when I wasn’t even home.
  10. Mama got really pissed.
  11. And so did the hubby.
  12. More realtor fighting.
Basically, the buyers wanted to keep us under an option period with a third extension while they tried to mount more evidence toward getting a new, unneeded roof, and we said, NOPE.

We agreed to just forgo fighting for their earnest money, if they’d just cancel the contract and let us get the house active for showings and other offers.


For anyone who’s still following along, that means we are right back where we started without a current offer on this house, with a move in 13 days, and a lot of frustration in between.

The insane thing is that these crazy potential buyers still say they want this house!

I don’t even have words.

But we’re not AT ALL putting our eggs in their nutty basket, so Mama had to sanitize the areas of bleeding and other substances today, when it was the last thing I wanted to do, because we had a showing this morning and have another scheduled for tomorrow.

I mean, I pretty much want to cry all day long (or scream!), but I’m usually just maniacally laughing, because I’ve lost it.

It’s insane that we’re still hoping for things to be resolved between these ridiculous potential buyers, but we are, because it’s the shortest path toward moving without leaving things here unresolved and a house still on the market.

But only time will tell—and a final, nail-in-the-coffin inspection of the roof by our insurance adjuster, come Monday morning.

Say some prayers.

Not sure for what, exactly.

But at the very more diarrhea, bahaha.

Ending With Fun

Okay, now, if you’re still with me, and you survived that rambling, bless you. And here’s a little treat.

Some sneak peaks of tiny happenings at the new casa that have made me smile amidst the madness!

This is days ago, as most of the upstairs is near completion at this point (with the exception of the carpet), but here’s a tiny preview of the girlies’ bathroom:

These pics are usually taken at night, by our contractor or the hubby, so they aren’t great, but still.

I ADORE how the blush, glass subway tile turned out (and they finished it all the way up to the ceiling!), I lurv the tub the contractor picked out when I told him to just get one, and the flooring tile—that I sort of fought for when the hubby was only so-so about it—has become one of our favorite selections! Woohoo.

And another fun preview the living room, on either side of the fireplace, we ripped out brown, built-in bookshelves.

Obviously, everything has now been painted a crisp white, and then we chose to do an accent tile in the niches where the built-in bookshelves used to live and found some gorgeous console tables that will live there now (and you can see from the wiring connections in this pic that a television will be mounted in one niche, as well.

Anywho...this pic doesn’t even do it justice, but it’s a gorgeous, glass tile with champagne and gold and grey striations. And I’m so happy we decided to do it in a herringbone pattern. :)

Next cabinets were sanded a few days ago, island is currently being built, and painting is imminent. Can’t wait to see the giant change this will bring. AND, I’m dying to see the blingy backsplash installed. It’s flashy and fun, and will (I hope) be an amazing contrast with the white cabinets.

And lastly, for tonight...some furniture refreshing fun!

I’ve always loved the size and style and firmness of our two living room chairs. But the fabric was mint colored—which was a major accent color in this house, but won’t at all be in the next house.

I hemmed and hawed for quite some time, but just really wanted to preserve these chairs, so I scoured for fabric I loved, found an upholsterer, and he worked magic, and called today with the finished product!

They are going to be amazeballs—especially with the black and gold-accented legs I found to jazz them up. I’m seriously thrilled with the end result. And hilariously, so is the hubby, who let me do this with little faith on his part, and he went wild (in a good way) when he saw them. :)

So...onwards and upwards. 

I have faith that the house-selling stuff will sort out...eventually.

The kiddos are already healing...slowly.

And this move is approaching...rapidly.

So we’ll just keep on trucking. One day at a time.

Happy Saturday, peeps!

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