Monday, February 11, 2019

Kiwi, Kiwi, Kiwi!

Well, m’peeps.

It’s a Monday.

We are now three weeks and five days away from the big move (it’s true; things are taking shape!).

And I feel like I have loads o’ things to share on this here blog—life, move, crafty, and otherwise—but I’m going to start with our Kiwi Crate project fun and see what I might have time to post later.



So. If you’ll recall, about a month or so ago, as I was starting to think about clearing out and reorganizing the craft closet, I discovered we had not one, not two, not three, four, five, six or seven unaccomplished crates.

We had eight.

And a ninth arrived a week after this pic, ha.

Naturally, I was schocked by this discovery, considering we used to live and breathe these projects the second they arrived at our door.

But. I’ve come to accept a few things:
  1. We’re far busier in recent years.
  2. We’re far, far busier in recent years.
  3. I can’t put them out of sight, out of mind, or they just won’t get done.
  4. We can’t necessarily wait for a Chica to do them.
This last one was the hardest to come to terms with, because I just felt so disloyal doing them without her. But the truth is: she does loads of fun stuff at school, and I started this crate subscription years ago, for the exact purpose of keeping preschool hands and brains occupied during the day. So we just have to enjoy them when we have the time, or we won’t enjoy them at all!

I’m happy to say that, when I found our eight—nearly nine—undone crates, I expected to cancel my subscription and just be grateful for the wonderful years we had with it.

But now that we’ve worked our way through all but three of them, I’ve renewed my love for them (and I don’t think the kiddos’ love ever waned, ha), and will keep on keepin’ on with the project fun!

So here are the three crates we’ve done in the past week or two...


(A traveling/foldout barn, animal finger puppets, and a vegetable garden.)


(Polar bear paws and headband, and snowflake stamping fun.)

They each really loved the “sewing” aspect of this one—and had individual and hilarious methods for accomplishing their stitches, hehe.

Once they each had a paw complete, Chicklet decided to pretend hers was a hot air balloon (since we hadn’t clipped the excess string), and raced it around the playroom. :)

We also made a Velcro-covered ball, so we could play catch with our paws. ;)

And our latest crate, that we tackled this morning (in the dining room, because Chicklet decided that’s where we needed to do it, ha)...

Little Artist:

(Color block paining, apron painting, and sculpture art.)

I lurv how she just decided to paint some of her favorite letters—and a rainbow (one of her very favorite things lately, ha.)

Last pic, courtesy of Little Man.

It really has been such a joy to make our way through these, and I’m soooo grateful I didn’t just write them off, amidst all our life craziness and our plethora of craft choices.

Yay, projects!

P.S. I love how none of us are wearing actual clothes in any of these pics. Pajama crafting for the win, ha. 

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