Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Life, and Chica’s School Open House—2019

Well, m’peeps.

Yesterday was one of the most difficult days I’ve ever experienced, bar none. It truly tested my limits in every way possible, and it’s only by the grace of God that I began again today with a checklist and a one-task-at-a-time mentality, in order to just make it through the next 72 hours, until we close out this chapter, in this city, and can focus on the flip side of this move.

When I have a bit more time to process and absorb the hurricane of life that we seem to be in the midst of, I’ll share some of the details. Until then, I’ll simply say that I’m so incredibly grateful for a few things:

First, my husband.

I honestly don’t know how he is managing all that he is on both the work and “home” fronts at the moment. But when things really fell apart yesterday, despite traveling for his first board meeting with his new company, he rallied in the biggest way possible. He bulldozed his way through task after task, and did all that he could to manage from his end. And I did the same on mine. It’s full-on miraculous that we’re solid in these situations, and able to keep perspective and let our individual strengths do their best, until we can see the light at the end of this crazy tunnel.

Second, my mom friends.

Because two of them just so happened to be on hand at a time when some of the craziest of the news was coming through, there was no hiding my mood and my tears behind my sunglasses at school pickup. And those glorious friends of mine provided the best emotional support and diversions—going so far as to deliver me chocolate and Diet Coke (because, sadly, they knew their offers of hard liquor were sort of wasted on me, ha) late into the evening. Women supporting women is a Godsend. And I’m so blessed in that regard.

And, lastly, my kiddos.

They are certainly feeling the sense of upheaval that is abundant at the moment, and we’ve had fevers and other sickness at our house, to boot. But they’ve been fierce with their snuggles and flexible amidst the nuttiness, and I love them like mad, mad, mad—which is the greatest reason I’m SO READY for this move insanity to just be DONE, so I no longer have to divert any attention away from them!

It was hilarious in its couldn’t-be-worse timing that last night just so happened to be Open House at Chica’s school.

But you know what? It was actually the perfect activity to force us to step away from the challenges, and just focus on the awesomeness of my brilliant first grader, and all of her work and accomplishments.

Her proud smile just slays me, and she was wearing it in full force last night. :)

Tomorrow is going to be another day for the books. Nonstop and quite challenging from sunup to far past sundown.

But if I can power through that (and then enjoy Chica’s first grade musical performance tomorrow evening), then Friday might be a bit better because the packers will take over, and a lot will be out of my hands. Literally.

So, onward and upward.

San Antonio Move, I’m going to conquer you if it kills me—and it’s certainly coming close!

Over and out. 

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