Saturday, March 30, 2019

Chicklet’s Fifth Birthday!

Oh. My. Freaking. GOODNESS.




It is just NEVER a dull day around here—for many reasons. And we’re just chock full of highs and lows (and really, nothing in between, ha).

Alas, I don’t have the energy to go through all the major milestones of the past week at this particular moment in time (translation: I’m so tired I’m actually asleep as I’m typing this). So I’ll just say this:

Yesterday, my health went from normal-ish to full on tanked in about three hours, and I found myself in urgent care, diagnosed with strep throat. And I mean, it is no joke.

By dinnerime, Chica and Little Man also tested postitive, and the urgent care doc was kind enough to just write prescriptions for Chicklet and Daddy, knowing their chances weren’t great.

Alas, despite having difficulty just standing upright and pretending to be alive, I had very important work to do, because...

Today, was my beloved, gorgeous, precious, snuggly, creative, adored Chicklet’s birthday!

I mean, just look at that face!

I love this kid with a mad passion, and she deserved the very best, regardless of my state of health, and was sooooo pumped about her special day.

So I kept myself upright through a balloon arch and all the rest—oye.

And despite very little sleep for Daddy and I, we rallied and made sure our girl felt all the love she deserved. And we did balloons, and decorations, and family breakfast out, and...Sea World!!!

And it was all such a blast.

And then we all just crashed. And I mean, crashed. Poor Chicklet bit the dust and had to start antibiotics, as well by dinnetime. And by dinnetime, I mean she sobbed that she “just couldn’t take it anymore” and begged for bed time, so we just force-fed her enough bites to get the drugs in her system, and then she passed out cold, with the other two following shortly.

But, man, did we live it up while we could!

And Chicklet said repeatedly that it was the Best. Day. Ever.


And now...a gazillion pics!

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