Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Fresh Air

So...we’re still alive here at renovation central!

10 days into our living situation in this casa, and, man, is it never a dull day.

But I don’t wanna talk about the house right now—even though I have enough stories to compose a novel.

Instead, I want to talk about my children. L

Who are crazy.

And full of alllllll the emotions of the rainbow, lately.

And getting less sleep than usual with later bedtimes and earlier wake-up calls and perhaps some interruptions while all three of them are still bunking in the same room.


Every day around 4 pm, they all break down in a massive way. And there are tears, and tantrums and meltdowns. And it gets loud, and everybody is bickering.

And that’s when I herd them all outside.

Inhale. Exhale. Let the outdoors calm you.

I’m thrilled to bits and pieces and bits with our fun, adventures property. It’s kind of wild and untamed and needs a but of TLC and revitalization. But I’ve already found a great landscape guy I really like, and we’re starting to tackle little projects at a time. And the kiddos just love all of it, no matter the state.

So for tonight, here are oodles of pics of my outdoor babies on various days, getting their smiles on. :)

And—bonus pics of a couple of the gorgeous sunrises Chica and I have caught on our way to school. 

More on the house, the new school routine and loads o’ other things as time allows!

Over and out.

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