Saturday, March 9, 2019

Moving Day—Part 1

Oh. My. Heavenly. Heavens.

For the LOVE.


That is HOLY.

This has been the toughest week in the whole of the whole wide world.


But, hey, look, this is the hubby and I waving goodbye and hello and everything in between (through a wildly generous camera filter to make us look .05% less haggard than we actually are). Because, m’peeps, we are DONE with the Dallas side o’ the move.

Can I get an Amen, Halleluiah, through the dry eyes that I currently have, because I am so overhwelmingly exhausted that I have nothing but gratitude as we close out one side of this ordeal so that we can focus on only the SA side moving forward.

Soooooooo, so, so, SO much to report on the SA side of things, but for his post, I’ll stick to the series of events that got us on the road.

First...on Thursday evening, Chica had her big, first grade musical performance (woohoo!) just a short half hour after we had to be out of the house for the new buyers to come take measurements.

On the plus side...two out of three children were screaming ever-loving bloody murder when we came back to the house and the buyers still weren’t gone, so I think we properly conveyed how inconvenient the showing was to us on that particular day and time.

And just look at my gorgeous girl with her hair up and her flashy earrings on. :)

The show was seriously so cute and well put together, and my girl was ridiculously excited and proud of her participation. :)

I mean...seriously, so cute.

Now, sadly, when I got back home to my babies who stayed behind with Nanna during the performance (again, the screaming bloody murder, and horrible moods), I had to haul Chicklet straight to urgent care. Because she’d been tanking health-wise for 48 hours, and I needed to see what we were up against before the packers showed the following morning.

And what did we discover???

She had strep throat.

I mean...SERIOUSLY???

Seriously. GAHHHHHHHH.

When we made it back home, Little Man was wiped and I knew I’d be back to the doctor the next day (somehow, in my “free time”) to have him tested.

So...Friday morning dawns, the movers showed up right on time, and were FANTASTIC. Efficient, friendly, just exactly all the things I needed them to be, because I needed just one thing to go smoothly.

For a blissful two(ish) hours, after I’d given the crew instructions, all I had to do was sit on the floor and snuggle my babies, who were so desperate for Mama’s love and attention after these heinous weeks, that they were all over me, and I couldn’t have been happier. I mean, it was seriously startling to just sit for a tiny bit amidst all the madness! With my little loves. Sigh.

Now, unfortunately, given everyone’s ongoing puny moods, I had to make doctor’s appointments for all—which meant taking Chica out of her final day at school a few hours early.

But my girl was ready. :)

She was so tickled and pleased to read all the sweet goodbye notes from her classmates. :)

And then she was shocked—but thankfully not upset—to come home and see that everything was almost all packed up!

Hilariously, we had to head straight to the doc, and weren’t even able to stay for the final hour of packing, but we were in such good hands with the crew, that I didn’t even have the energy to care.

And it’s no surprise, considering we made it to the pediatrician, and all three kiddos tested positive for strep.

I mean, can I seriously get a break from the universe already?????

But, hey, at least it explains the poor moods.

I mean, wouldn’t you want some of these germs??? ;) 




Now...the final take of this move-that-just-couldn’t-be-tougher is that shortly after this appointment, my kiddos and I just had to rip of the bandage and load up our final things and hit the road for grandparents in Tulsa, not San Antonio, for a whole cluster of reasons I’ll get into at a later date.

For now, I’ll just say that...

I’m GRATEFUL this side of the move is complete.

I’m GRATEFUL for my mother who stayed behind when I asked, to supervise the loading of the moving trucks.

And I’m GRATEFUL to the hubby’s parents for giving us a place to land when we got to Tulsa, while we regroup for the ongoing CRAZINESS.

MUCH MORE later, regarding the SA side of things. 

But, buckle up, m’peeps, because it just keeps getting harder to believe.

Over and out. 

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