Thursday, March 21, 2019

New Day, New School!

Okay, peeps.

We’re still alive here in this crazy still-being-renovated house. But, man, is it complicated and hectic living! 

There is STUFF everywhere, I feel like I’m chasing my tail on the unpacking front, and it’s sooooo dang tough with the kiddos underfoot and slightly off-kilter and off-schedule.

That said, I feel like I’m doing slightly better mentally today than I was on Tuesday, for a few reasons:
  1. We’re at least getting more accustomed to the mass chaos.
  2. As of today, I now have three functioning toilets, instead of one—with the final two to go, sooon (and for the record, today marked the first running water downstairs, which was a major victory!).
  3. The master bathroom is about 80% complete.
  4. In about half an hour, I’ll have a functioning washer and dryer, so I can start on the ROOMFUL (not exaggering) of clothes, towels and bedding this family of five has accumulated over the past eight days.
  5. I at least have a rough schedule of the time it will take to complete the kitchen (worst case scenario: three more weeks). And by complete, I mean, start, do everything in between and finish. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this officially, but nothing has been done to the kitchen but the original demo. Nothing. I have nada in the kitchen but cabinet frames and a plank of wood where an island should be, and I am not exaggerating. It’s by far, the most challenging aspect of this whole whoopla.
  6. The kiddos’ health has finally improved. HALLELUIAH. 

We’re plugging away, one box and one project at a time, and eventually—eventually—we’ll get this whole crazy thing wrapped up!

In the meantime, something much more important than the house has been brewing. And that’s Chica’s acclimation to her new school!

Honestly, her transplantation from her old school/friends to new, had been my #1 concern from the get-go of this whole move. The younger two kiddos are tiny enough to go with the flow, but Chica is older and more settled in her education years, and has also made some wonderful friends over the past couple of years, so concerns have troubled me constantly.

But. We built up this move and new school in the most positive light, I’ve kept it all optimistic, but never discounted her feelings of anxiety or nervousness, and I think we set the stage right for nothing but happy vibes. :)

Here she was this morning, bright eyed, bushy tailed, and ready to go!

But to back up...

Yesterday, Daddy was able to go into work a bit late so I could take Chica alone, without siblings, to see the school for the first time and handle the last of her registration paperwork, which made the event a bit more momentous.

It’s really a lovely property, set on land that has hills and valleys (as most areas around here tend to), so it’s kind of a cool and unique setting. And who doesn’t love colored paw prints leading the way?? ;)

There’s a really awesome outdoor amphitheater that’s impossible for tiny tots to resist climbing. So...climb, we did. :)

The administrative staff was so lovely and welcoming and accommodating. We left feeling really confident in the process and what a full day of school would bring.

So, today, I was up and at ‘em with all three kiddos in tow to head to school, find out Chica’s official classroom assignment, and get her to the right spot.

Needless to say, Chicklet and Little Man were wildly enthusiastic to explore the school, as well—ha.

Chica was so bubbly and happy throughout the walk to her classroom, and only expressed some slight nerves when we approached the final door.

But there was nothing to fear, because the moment we walked into the room, Chica was swarmed—like, swarmed—by wildly wnthusiastic classmates, who were all over her, in a sweet way. 

Chica’s face was so sweet and cautiously optimistic about the happy and open welcome, that I knew she was in good hands with her new classmates and lovely teacher.

And just for good measure—we met her for lunch today, so she’d have some friendly faces.

I’ve known for some time, that Chica’s true reaction to things can sometimes appear on a delay, so I won’t fully count my chickens until she’s been in school a week or two.

But I know without a shadow of a doubt that we laid the foundation and solidly as possible, and day one was a good one.

So here’s hoping day two—and beyond—are great!

And by Fall...another lovely lady of mine will be having great days at this school, as well!

Happy Almost-Friday, peeps!


Over and out.

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