Saturday, March 2, 2019

Sisterly LOVE, my girlies were pretty much the cutest things in the whole wide world during lunch.

And for no special reason.

Just happy sibling vibes.

I mean, Chicklet was literally stuck to her sissy like glue.

Giving Chica full body hugs/nuzzles for the entire meal.

Even refusing to eat, because it would have required hands that were instead being used for hugging. 

So, naturally, her indulgent, loving, big sissy fed her baby bites like a bird, while the hugging continued.

Eventually, when they noticed me snapping pics, Chica hammed it up for the camera, pretending to be trapped and crazed.

But it was mostly for show. Even when she was annoyed, I could tell she loved the affection. :)

Even when she successfully broke free for about 10 seconds, the love was there, ha.

I mean...I die.

There are two things important to note here:

First: Chica truly is the most wonderful big sister on the planet. She’s always been so indulgent and patient to her siblings—and amazingly helpful to me, whenever I ask for her assistance with Chicklet and Little Man. She assumes her role of eldest without complaint, and I try to tell her how much I appreciate that, just as often as I can.

And, second: despite the episodes of bickering and the usual sibling angst that inevitably fills our household...they are so lucky to have one another. And whenever I worry about the changes and slight isolation of the move until we can plant new roots, I try and remember that they have built-in best friends right under their own roof.

Thrice blessed, indeed. 


Happy Saturday, peeps.

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