Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Stop Gap

Oh my heavenly, holy-moly goodness.

Peeps. M’peeps.


With my son.


And I also drifted off in the bed next to the kiddos last night when I was putting them down...and woke two hours later.

I mean, my body, it is tired.

And my soul, it is weary.


I think I mentioned in my last post that we’re DONE with the Dallas side of the move (like, officially, since closing on the buyers’ side happened yesterday, and the funds hit our account today. AMEN, HALLELUIAH.)

And I think I also mentioned in my last post that we are not in San Antonio, as planned, but rather, in Tulsa with grandparents for this week of Chica’s Spring Break, so we can buy ourselves a wee bit of time. Because...

Our house is so not ready for us.

I’m not ready to dive into the full extent of events that made last week just the hardest of all. (In part, because it will take a novel to type through the series of unfortunate and unbelievable events.) But, basically, some facts:

The renovations are far from complete.

I made it to Tulsa late Friday evening with the kiddos.

And by 5 a.m. the following morning, I was at the airport to fly to SA for 48 hours with the hubby to assess, regroup, bolster each other with some spousal moral support, get a CRAP-TON (technical term) done, and then fly back home to m’babies.

Have I mentioned the bodily exhaustion???

Heeeeere I am at the house that I hadn’t seen in person for nearly three months, and I’m SO grateful I still love for all the angst this move and process has caused!

As you can see, there are no floors in this house of ours (well, there are floors, in boxes, behind me in that pic, ha), which is a major problem. Along with the kitchen we don’t have, the bathrooms that are not complete, and about a gazillion and one other things that just aren’t in a happy state—and that’s putting in mildly, ten times over.

But the hubby and I made giant headway while we were together, and really padded ourselves up emotionally and physically for this final push before we can actually be in the house, even though it still won’t be done.

It was tough and dusty work. But we were a good team. And then we rented The Money Pit on Netflix and got a good laugh from dear old Tom Hanks. ;)

Then a new crew arrived yesterday (part of the really long, high-level story of all this) to tackle flooring, since that’s really the massive, major thing that has to be done before we can move in. And when the hubby sent me pictures of hardwood flooring installed today, I might have shrieked, cried a bit, and flung myself dramatically on top of the counter in relief and joy.

We are just taking this all one day at a time, my body is clearly trying to recover or at least store up a few extra hours of sleep while we’re in this Tulsa safe haven, and despite kiddos that are still not 100%, I’m so grateful to be in a neutral zone where I can’t really do much, except be there when they want to snuggle and have my attention.

We’ll get there.


And by “there,” I mean San Antonio, completed renovations, and a new, happy normal.

More soon, m’peeps.

Over and out.

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