Sunday, April 14, 2019

Not So Much Coming Up Roses

Well, m’peeps. 

We’ve been at a standstill on the final leg of renovations, at the mercy of a contractor who’s not just been reliable timing-wise, and I’m not gonna lie—it’s been pretty hard on me mentally to just sit tight with boxes piled up and our nest not fully functional. :(

Add to that, a bunch of work busyness and travel for the hubby, and I feel like only one or two days out of the week is very fruitful in terms of truly settling in.

Every day, I try to wake with a fresh attitude and and the hope that things will be all roses and sunshine, but, unfortunately, we just keep having hilariously, comically bad luck and timing of so many things. 

Like the master shower glass that was finally going to be installed on Friday (a second attempt after the first round resulted in bad measurements)...only to have it damaged in transport and the install pushed back—again.

Or this flat tire during our short window of family time on Saturday morning, before we had to be somewhere:

Or the half hour I was going to finally take for some Mama mental health time for the first time in weeks...only to be called five minutes into my reprieve when hubby and kiddos arrived home to realize they were without a key and locked out. :(

I mean, theses are just a few in a slew—skew, I tell ya—of things, big and small, that have chinked away at the happy disposition I’m trying to build daily in this new city of ours.

So...not so much coming up roses.

But looking on the plus side—my babies are crazy but precious and I adore them (and their wonderful behavior during Palm Sunday church service this morning):

And, look: actual, tiny, garden roses—in an amazing kind of fuschia—that are sprouting in the backyard!

And another definite blessing of the weekend: a birthday party invitation from a new neighborhood friend who has a daughter in Chica’s class at school.

I cringed in a major way when we discovered the party was at—gasp!—a trampoline park, because, hello, Chicklet’s broken leg at a place just like it, nine months ago. Oye

But it turned out to be a non-issue, because there were so many obstacle-course-like diversion there, and we were easily able to avoid any jumping!

So...some definite challenges on the mental front these days. But just enough diversions to keep me from complete insanity.

Every week I say that this might be the final week of renovations craziness, and I really really really hope that’s the case this week. But I’ve learned my lesson, and have lowered my expectations.

So here’s just hoping for a week with more good than bad!

Over and out.

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