Friday, May 24, 2019

Chicklet’s SA Room!

Okay, peeps.

I’m slowly but surely trying to work my way through pictures of any area of the house that is pretty settled. 

And since I had to do some vacuuming and cleaning in Chicklet’s room today, I took the opportunity to (temporarily) remove the 2,714 stuffed animals she keeps on her bed on any given day, and try to snap some clutter-free shots, ha.

And, yeah, sure, this might not look like her room without those stuffed animals—not to mention, the hoards of tiny trinkets and self-proclaimed treasures she squirrels away on her shelves and in her drawers—but...Mama wants some clean shots!

So...welcome to Chicklet’s new room!

(Side note: I almost bawled my bloody eyes out when she asked to wear this Elsa dress today, because I remember when we bought it for Chica and it was too big for her. How do my babies keep growing????)

Now, back to the room.

Not gonna lie—this one was a little tricky to pull together, because my girl asked for “rainbow.” And I just don’t do rainbow, per se, ha. 

I mean, I definitely don’t do primary-colored rainbow, so we had to get a little creative, turned out pretty lovely, I think. :)

I’ll apologize for the blue-tinted filter on these shots, because—of course—I took them on this cloudy morning, facing into her two big windows. So this was the only way I could get the finished product to my liking. And I just wasn’t going to remove all those stuffed animals again, hehe.

So...just roll with my moody shots.

But how gorgeous are they with Chicklet’s perfect twirling in her perfectly room-coordinated princess dress??? I die. 


I knew we were going to do blue walls, because that’s Chicklet’s favorite color. But luckily, Mama found a lovely shade that she could live with. (For the record, blue is my favorite color, too, I just didn’t want cartoonish BLUE, that was screaming at us.)

The hardest part was grounding the room with rainbow that wasn’t too in-your-face. So—woohoo!—PB for the win, with this new, pastel-hued rainbow rug!

I love Chicklet’s new leaning wall desk, and I found the cutest little acrylic stool with a fur topper that’s the perfect kid size without taking up too much twirling room.

Also. You might have noticed we have one set of white velvet curtains, and one set of pink, ha. No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you, and, yup, it’s on purpose.

Though it wasn’t planned that way. 

I just got one set in each color to hang up and decide between them, but my girl had other mistmatched ideas, and Daddy kind of dug it, too, so...two colors it is! ;)

Also. I really lurv her acrylic and brass curtain rods—even though you can’t really see them closely in these shots.

Also, also...I feel kind of like a rockstar for mounting the curtain rods myself—in Chicklet’s room, and in every other room of the house that has them.

Women rule.

So...for the feature “rainbow” wall, I had to get even more creative. Because, again, I didnt want it too structured and RAINBOW.

I put up these awesome white (plastic!) hanging tiles that are so cool, and then we found a handful of different pastel-colored cardstock paper, and cut out our own flowers with a die cut puncher (technical term) that we bought.

I wanted the flowers to flow across the wall in a sort of ombré pattern that looked like the stars in the galaxy instead of a traditional arch. Ya know...sort of loosey goosey. And then this gorgeous hanging piece was the coolest finishing touch! It’s one of my favorite bits of the room, and it’s fairly large.

I think my girl digs her room.

Even though she still tells me she wants to paint a legit rainbow straight onto her wall, ha.

She’s onto my rainbow-avoidance techniques, methinks. 

Can’t win for losing. Am I right???

But she seems pretty content in there, regardless. ;)

With this lovely room, and so many other areas of our home, I find myself nitpicking like mad (it’s just what I do while I still feel like we’re unfinished officially around here). The chair rail still hasn’t been painted. I still have a few empty spaces on one wall in need of artwork. That one outlet cover needs replacing. Blah, blah, blah.

But then I remind myself of all the progress we’ve made since those early weeks when all three of my babies were sleeping like ducks in a row in there, and Mama and Daddy were on a blow up mattress in the playroom.

Good times.

(But really not. Ha.)

Progress is a good thing.

And homes that are constant works-in-progress are even better.


Over and out.

P.S. Dont worry...the clutter and stuffed animals made a triumphant, messy return. ;)

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